This Thursday morning a press conference was held at Avenida Olarizu in Vitoria-Gasteiz, in front of the City Hall. Dozens of people, neighbours of Olarizu and members of different movements and associations, have come together at the event. They recalled that on 20 October the City Council notified them of the administrative eviction process and that they had a period of 10 days to submit claims. Last Monday, 2 November, 35 allegations were filed by the local neighbours. They explain that if they have occupied abandoned dwellings of municipal property in Olarizu it is because they are unable to pay rent, for situations of “unemployment and precariousness”. “The problem is housing, not us,” they have denounced.
As they have explained, they live in homes that have no living conditions because they have no other alternative. They denounce the pressure of the City Hall. The Municipal Police remains in the dwellings for 24 hours after communicating that it will start the administrative route of eviction, “which causes psychological pressure”, and a company hired by the City Hall is destroying inside the dwellings that are unoccupied. They have also assured them that the Municipal Police has removed two light generators and an intervened apparatus. In addition, they have recalled that in 2019 the City Hall cut off the light and water in the Biscayan municipality of Tolosa.
Olarizu's neighbours have called for their situation to be considered as emergency housing and for a collective solution to be found through social services: “We have asked that the right to housing as citizens of this municipality should not be violated. We propose a collective solution to this, not a particular problem.” About 40 families currently live in Olarizu homes, including newborns, older people or a pregnant woman. Among them are people born in Nigeria, Colombia or Vitoria-Gasteiz.
Protection of popular movements
After the intervention of the residents, members of the popular movements and associations of Vitoria-Gasteiz have taken the floor to express their “support” for the residents at risk of eviction – including members of groups against exclusion and in favor of social rights and occupied spaces. They have censored the attitude of the City Hall and the mayor, Gorka Uraran, and have denounced that the eviction will aggravate the situation: “The street is no alternative.” They recalled the declaration of 29 October of PNV, PSE, EH Bildu and Elkarrekin. “The most effective way to combat the occupation is to strengthen public housing policies, especially those that drive rent,” the statement states. The PNV and the PSE that make up the municipal government have reproached the PNV and the PSE that are opposed to what was signed in the Basque Parliament.
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