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The animated film 'Ocrestra terrurtarra' from this Friday in theaters

  • The animated feature Orkestra lurtarra will be premiered in movie theaters on April 8. The intention of this work, led by Joseba Ponce and Imanol Zinkunegi, was put on the table in 2014: “It’s taken a long time, but they’ve deserved the road and the work,” said Lotura Films.
Orkestra lurtarra filmeko pertsonaiak (argazkia: Lotura Films).
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

“The Terrestrial Orchestra is the most ‘atolondrado’ and fun work Lotura Films has done so far. Directors Joseba Ponce and Imanol Zinkunegi have been inspired by the children’s book Harkaitz Cano (Elkar, 2013) to perform this animated feature, but as they have announced, they have had the opportunity to carry out a “different treatment” both in the musical and in the historical sense.

A special group of musicians is the protagonist of the film La Orquesta de Tierra. The people who will live in the search for success, and the relationships they will have between them, will reflect the different attitudes that can be adopted in the face of life: dreamers, vivid, proud, eromantic, omniscient, selfish... through that diversity of characters, the diversity that this society shows us and the contradictions that come from it frequently.

A curious orchestra

A curious group of musicians is the protagonist of the film and the authors of the film have taken great care of the soundtrack

There's no more than looking at the members of this peculiar group to see that diversity. Manu, for example, is a sweeper. Yes, guardrail. With this peculiar instrument and its positive attitude, it will try to bring the orchestra to the top. He will be next to Croquanti, a lyrical singer with a mustache and serious look who decides to leave his family and embark on the adventure. And Aldika, the double bass player: with his glasses, he'll be watching everything but when he gets nervous. Because then you start to notice the itch in the Sobacos, and, well, as we all know, it's not easy.

Another of the members of this peculiar group of musicians is the percussionist Osoki, an intimate friend of the bearer Manu, but, unlike him, a gruesome one. And the Perfumetti brothers, always well-dressed, with their instruments of wind in their hand: they were circus musicians, but now they are drifting, accompanied by a goat called President. Salegi is another suit lover. Well, suits, money, luxury -- and like most people who have those hobbies, it's a professional scammer.

The group of curious characters consists of the saltsero percussionist bird Kiriki, the pianist in love Estela and Aisha, Manu's collaborator and storyteller.

Result of teamwork

Those who have made an Earthly Orchestra have not started from scratch: the two directors, Joseba Ponce and Imanol Zinkunegi, have already worked together on the film Lur eta Amets (2020). But each project is a new challenge and, in the case of animated films, requires great teamwork, especially when it comes to image processing. In the case of the Orchestra Lurtarra, the project has had a team of ten people in the field of animation: Equipment: Javi Ojuel, Gorka Etxeberria, Enrique Morente, Arkaitz Alastuey, Aitor Etxebeste, Laura Domínguez, Mikel Louvelli, Ignacio González holgado, Jorge Madejón and José Ángel Lopetegi.

In 2014, he won the Euskadi Prize for Children and Youth Literature in the Basque Country for the book that bears the same title as Harkaitz Cano, and the writer has been the Lasartean writer himself, along with Eneko Olasagasti.

As it is a film starring musicians, the soundtrack is also a matter to consider. There is only one look at who has participated to see that attention needs to be paid to this aspect: in addition to running the film, it was Joseba Ponce himself (Dut, Kuraia, Lisabö, JP Lohian) who took care of it. The Aggrohorns (Ion Celestino, Adrián Martínez, Pablo Maza) and the Donostian composer Joserra Senperena have also acted.

Also among those who have spoken to the song, many known names: Libe Garcia de Kortazar (Neubat, izaki Gardenak, Libe, Pasadena), Lide Hernando (Liher), Imanol Zinkunegi, Iñigo Etxarri, Joseba eta Julen Ponce, Mikel Kazalis (Stygia, Anesthesia, Negu gorriak, Kuraia).

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