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Oinharri School will offer training for popular movements in Errekaleor from 15 to 23 July

  • The Oinharri School will offer a Barnetegi Training, political training for Basque popular movements. They have been training for four years and their methodology is based on Brazil’s Landless Movement (MST), focused on dialectical materialism.

01 June 2023 - 11:11
Last updated: 14:01

Oinharri wants to bring new training offers that are not offered in the Basque Country. The main activities will be the Barnetegis of Training, which will be held from 15 to 23 July, and which will use a special political-pedagogical method. As early as 2019 and 2021, the Barnetegis of Formation were held in Amaiur (Navarra) and in the occupied district of Errekaleor.

Oinharri is a political school of organization and militancy. Its basis is the methodology of the Florestán Fernández School of the Landless Movement of Brazil. The organization has defined that it focuses on dialectical materialism and integral formation. This summer they return to the Errekaleor neighborhood in the project called Political theory and practice in coexistence. In addition to providing them with training and political practices, they will provide training for children to involve parents. They use local food products and participation in the project is financed by the school itself.

Spring preparation

Training weekends have been held in spring for the summer Training Barnetegi. The organizers have pointed out three main objectives: first, to approach the school to present the project and show its formative approach; second, to achieve an approximation to the political-pedagogical method and to work this dimension; third, to work the political content of these weekends in a collective space.

In spring, presentations will be made in different cities and counties of Euskal Herria to make the project known, and whoever wants to know more can do so on the social networks of Oinharri eskola: Mastodon, Twitter and Instagram. To participate in the Barnetegi Training, you can register through your website.

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