The Zaldunborda Bizirik platform (formerly Zaldunborda Gelditu) has made a statement denouncing the mall and logistics that the multinational Amazon wants to open in the Lanbarren polygon of Oiartzun. Considering it "one more project that directly attacks the counties of Bidasoa and Oarsoaldea", the group has shown its "deepest repulsion and rejection". In addition, the movement has announced that it will participate and promote in all acts, initiatives and dynamics that are organised against the US company.
As he denounced with the giant 'outlet' of Zaldunborda, the new logistics centre has been considered an 'attack' on local trade. In this sense, although there are "thousands" of arguments against the project, the group has highlighted that it is "the most basic": "The multinational Amazon, which represents the paradigm of brutal economic supremacism, can destroy a trade in our environment that is already quite deteriorated." In the group's opinion, this "is not good either economically, socially or ethically".
In this sense, he claimed that the movements in favor of the trade of proximity "do not want to see the streets of the locality empty, but live". The U.S. company has today been considered a real pandemic and the group hopes that local public administrations will put "all administrative and legal difficulties" in order to avoid the opening of the new complex.
I think Soraluze’s ‘Jaso burua’ initiative is very good, which drives the necessary awareness. Last week, I was at the conference for parents of elementary school children. With the older child in FP, little criticism was heard about the use of screens (and screen... [+]