Now they've started in the UK, but in Euskal Herria, we've been playing only with those at home for years, and it's never been a problem for us. Does an election campaign make sense without kisses or orges? Do our politicians really respect the safety distance, so in ours too, love is imposed on politics? Once again, we have made a radio program full of love, for you completely!
As in previous occasions, in addition to the Tertulia, half a dozen more chapters have been programmed than in this edition: The news, the adventures of Teo and the kalentura, the angry Father and the chosen song of Ruper Ordorika.
On the other hand, the members of the programme have also created the Telegram channel. Gradually, content will be expanded according to the editorial line of the podcast, which will serve to delight everyone.
Make your contribution
If you have a proposal, criticism or something to say, record a voice message and send a message: 669 36 29 82 by Telegram or WhatsApp or by email to