The electronic media outlet Lundi Matin has reported that, for the current time, the gendarmes have thrown more than 4,000 grenades at those who resist the attack of Notre-Dame-Des-Landes. Like many other actors on the ground, the alterglobalist organization ATTAC has also spread on social networks images of grenade vessels collected by militants in surprising numbers:
Those who face the police in the ZAD see the grenades fired with Cougar rifles reaching over their heads from 50 to 200 meters further away. Some, the tearful ones, are divided into six sections to spread the chemical poison during the ignition.
Even harder, however, are other grenades that come like mortar bullets from top to bottom. According to Lundi Matin, “the activists have learned to recognize them and shout, in one “grenade” [a grenade with tear smoke] or “assourdissante” [an ammunition that causes deafness], marking it with their fingers and closing their ears quickly. When it hits the ground, this cartridge explodes, releases black smoke and makes a violent noise, blowing up to about two meters of dirt and mud.”
This military material, which is said to carry 25 grams of TNT, is called GLI F4, is produced by the company SAE ALSETEX and, as the manufacturer says, “aims to destabilize demonstrators in really difficult situations.” What the producer calls “psychological impact” actually complements the fact that 5 meters from the explosion makes a noise of 165 decibels, but also a shock wave. Over 160 of Notre Dame Des Landes are wounded in part by this material.
Several images of the physical damages that cause the street battle materials of the gendarmes have been disseminated on social networks. Not too much and almost all of them spread by the activists themselves... because the authorities have forced journalists to enter the besieged area. However, the best proof that the damage of these materials to the street battle is not exaggerations is the wounded gendarmes themselves: Some of the gendarmes led by General Richard Lizurey have also had to be rushed to the hospital because of these weapons, which have exploded at their feet, starting to be thrown at the activists who are in front of them.
220.000 biztanlek erregularki erabiltzen dute bretaindar hizkuntza. Emaitza aski arranguragarria, jakinez Bretaina historikoan 4 milioi biztanle badirela. Hori da bretaindarraren egoera gaur egun.
Hamar urte daramatza Nantes Revoltéek informatzen, baina urtarrilean hedabidearen disoluzio prozedura abiatu du Frantziako Gobernuak. Nantes Revoltéek salatu du beren aurkako prozedurak hedabide independente oro eta informazio eskubidea mehatxatzen dituela.
It's called Ar Redadeg, a career similar to the Korrika that's being held in Brittany. Taking what AEK is preparing as a reference, they started doing so in 2008. Like Korrika, it is held every two years and this year is the fourth edition. The race will run from 24 to 31 May... [+]
Agroindustriaren sektoreaz informatzeko orduan, “benetako omertà” egoeran kausitzen dira kazetari bretoiak. Inork ez du hitz egin nahi eta hitz eginez gero presioak, mehatxuak, auzibideak zein zentsurak dituzte ordainean. Sektore indartsua delako... [+]