In the end, Asier Guridi is a political fugitive to which the Venezuelan authorities have given him an identity card. In April he reported that, after years of struggle, the procedures were being carried out to give the certificate to the oñatiarra. Yesterday, May 3, he showed the document in hand through social media.
"Ten years after seeking asylum and refuge in Venezuela in 2013, I achieved my goal; and with the Venezuelan identification card I will be able to enjoy the humanitarian protection due to refugees. Fighting is the right path," Guridi said yesterday.
He has lived in Venezuela since 2005, when he had to flee Euskal Herria due to the political persecution he was suffering. Interpol arrested him in Venezuela in 2013, where he remained in prison for two months. Since then he has been in a situation of solitude and civil death, "without personality, rights, guarantees and means of life". Without an identity card, they have been totally exempt from eleven civil rights for ten years.
For all these years, therefore, he has struggled to claim his refugee status and to demand that the Venezuelan authorities recognise him as a legal person. He has protested for more than a hundred days before the Venezuelan Immigration and Immigration Administration Service (SAIME). But in the end it does: it has an identity card.
Euskal errefuxiatuei laguntzeko 1960ko hamarkada amaieran sorturiko Anai Artea elkartearen historia laburbiltzen duen liburua argitaratu du Elkarrek. Txomin Hiriart-Urrutyk egindako ikerketa da eta Joseba Sarrionaindiaren sar hitza ere badu. Liburuaren harira Juan Mari Arregik,... [+]
Asteartean jaso zuen Venezuelako Gobernuaren erabakia. Bere herritartasuna eta 13 urteko bere semearena onartzea eskatuz abiatu zuen gose greba mugagabea abenduaren 3an.
Venezuelan dagoen Asier Guridi Zaloña euskal iheslari politikoak abenduaren 3an gose greba abiatu duela jakinarazi du. Caracas hiriburuko Espainiako kontsuletxearen aurrean dago, bere eskubideak eta 13 urteko bere semearenak aitortuak izan daitezen eskatzeko. 2005ean... [+]