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Different people and agents show their support for the five Alaveses in summary 11/13

  • 150 personalities, social partners and trade unions have shown their support for the campaign of the Basque elections and for the people involved in Álava. Among the signatories are the mayor, José Ángel Cadena, Maider Unda, the brothers Pou, Evaristo, Juanito Oiarzabal or Toti Martínez de Lezea.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 4.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

23 July 2019 - 15:37
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

In September, the trial against the Herrira platform, ETXERAT and the lawyers, doctors and psychologists of Basque prisoners, known as Summary 11/13, will begin. In this context, during these months Vitoria-Gasteiz and other points of Álava carried out a series of initiatives in support of those accused in the dynamics 5 in Vitoria-Gasteiz.

Five of the 47 defendants are residents of Álava, since they are five of them: Ane Zelaia, Nagore López de Luzuriaga, Gorka González, Egoitz López de la Calle and Izaskun Abaigar. They face 14 and a half years' imprisonment for Zelaia and González, 11 for Abaigar and López de Luzuriaga, and 12 for López de la Calle, respectively.

Once the dynamic has been presented, the time has come for adhesions. On this occasion, in Vitoria-Gasteiz a manifesto signed by different trade unions or individual agents of Alavesa society has been presented, along with a long and varied list of accessions.

Zubizarreta himself and ethics professor Arantza Basagoiti have read in the hearing the manifesto written by the writer Patxi Zubizarreta, below in the reading section. “That’s why we are here, engaged, uncomfortable, not to talk about this judgment, even if the word is worn out and tired, with positive words such as those of Jon Maia, with constructive words to denounce injustices and spread precious messages, to join the five of Gasteiz, with Ane, Egoitz, Izaskun, Nagore and Gorka, impregnated with solidarity.”

In addition, they have recalled the quotes that have been prepared for the coming days. On July 27, Saturday, Chapuzón Day is celebrated: At 10:30 there will be a cycling march to the swamp of Landa that will depart from the Plaza de la Constitución - the car quote will be at 12:00 from the parking lot of the Arriaga - and at 13:00, in the same swamp of Landako, there will be a popular dip, lunch and concerts.


August 5, Day of solidarity in the festivities of Vitoria-Gasteiz, Solidarity with solidarity. We would do it again! The event will take place on the main stage of Txosnagun. And finally, the main dates of September: from 2 to 7 September solidarity week with round tables, cultural performances and others, on 7 September general mobilization and appeal to Bilbao on 14 September.

About 150 accessions

Although the text has been produced by Patxi Zubizarreta, the list of those who have shown their support for the campaign is much longer. Well-known personalities, trade unions or other groups of the Algerian people’s movement have shown their support for the campaign and those accused of these events.

  • Individual adhesions: AGUSTIN Gil (Herria 2000 Eliza), Aitziber Porras (former Gaztedi), Javier Larretxi (photographer), Alfredo Hernandez Zirika (plastic artist), Amparo Lasheras (journalist)


  • Collective Adhesions: 7less 20, Gasteiz Txiki Auzo Elkartea, ADI! Association, AHT EZ! Lautada, Aldarte, AMAR, Arabako Emakumeen Asanblada, Arabako Pentsionistak Egiten, Arkillos 10, Askapena, Asociación de amigos y amigas de las RASD Araba, B.A.L.A., Bilgaeta Feminist, Anti-AIDS Commission, Decazkundea Gasteiz, Ernai, Errekaleor Bizirik, PDS Gasteiz, Etxerat Araba, Euskal Herriko APEZ Koordinakundea, Gasteiz Feminist, Association of Blusas and Neskas


  • Trade unions: CGT, CNT, EHNE, ELA, ESK, Staff Enterprise Committee of the City of Vitoria-Gasteiz, HIRU, LAB, Araba Staff Board, Mercedes Benz Works Committee and STEE-EILAS.


Iñaki Landa, Maider Unda, Aitziber Porras, Iker and Eneko Pou, Evaristo, Juanito Oiarzabal, José Ángel Cadena, Irantzu Lekue and Toti Martínez de Lezea are some of the signatories to the agreement.

Text by Patxi Zubizarreta


Jon Maia’s message is beautiful, his words are beautiful: freedom, rights, our home… But it is not easy to denounce injustices like this judgment, to reproach justice. Slovenian philosopher Zizek told us the story of the prisoner who was sentenced to Siberia: when he greeted his friends, he told them he would try to write letters, but, out of fear of censorship, he added to his friends that if what he said was true, he would use blue and red ink if what they told him was false.

The prisoner's friends received the first letter in blue ink: In Siberia it was much better than what was thought, the food was quite good, the tasks were not so hard, on weekends they had the opportunity to play football, on Sundays they had dancing and the girls were also leaving; but the friends added that the worst was not to have red ink by hand… The words are so worn, they are so tired, the messages are so worn out, they barely make sense, the complaints are not strong. And yet, Jon Maia’s message is beautiful, his words are beautiful: freedom, rights, our home… With positive messages we must continue to say No, condemning injustices, saying no to this judgment. That's why we are here.

In this supposed democracy of the words spent and the rights suppressed, someone said that in the ideal republic there are three essential types of people, that the ideal republic will be created and built among three people: ~a teacher, a teacher or a teacher, who teaches us how to live. ~a doctor who helps us to be born and who teaches us to live and die. ~and finally a person who says no, who claims dignity humana.Por that we are here, engaged, uncomfortable, not to say this judgment, even if the word is worn out and tired, with positive words like those of Jon Maia, to denounce injustices and spread precious messages, to join the five of Gasteiz, with Ane, Egoitz, Izaskun, Nagore.

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Macrojudgment 11/13
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Eguneraketa berriak daude