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Where is the Abertzale left?

11 March 2024 - 09:58
Last updated: 2024-03-13 11:44:27
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

I am a Basque living in Euskal Herria and in Europe.

Given the geopolitical situation in Europe, despite the conflict that began in 2014, the war that official Western media call the war in Ukraine began in February 2022 and has just entered the third year. It is well known that from the outset NATO is engaged in this war and is also being promoted.

Since the outbreak of this war, when the NATO authorities EE.UU, the United Kingdom and the European Union stated that they did not have to take certain actions, they did so in the short term. The use of this strategy has been constant. Thus, by way of example, in some initial statements it was stated that the Leopard tanks were not to be sent to Ukraine, but were overcome and sent. They said they didn't have to send the F16 planes to Ukraine, they went back over that border and sent them back… So many times.

A few days ago, the President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron, just held the February 2024 security conference in Munich, talked about the possible need to send and spread troops to Ukraine, arguing that Russia cannot win the war in Ukraine. Thus, despite the fact that the authorities of the other NATO countries immediately said no – and Macron himself wanted to undermine what was said in his third appearance on the subject – he left a “bomb” on the table. This would, de facto, lead to an open war, NATO versus Russia, which would force Euskal Herria. In view of the antecedents, the rise of the daily warrior manifestations and the aforementioned strategy, it can be thought that from now on anything can happen. It can therefore be concluded that the Basque Country is also heading towards a very serious situation. If a war broke out in Europe, it is our case.

Yes or yes, EH Bildu has to flag antimilitarism and become a great promoter of peace

The Atlantic players, using the media, insist on Russia’s intention to invade a European country. Taking advantage of this fact, states say that military spending must rise to at least 2% of GDP, will strengthen the arms industry and, as if it were not enough, the authorities of some EU countries, including the Germans, are opening up the spectre of compulsory military service, among others. It seems that the wolf is coming, the fear is being used again to combat it and the social model of the ongoing war economy.

Coming to Euskal Herria, it should be recalled that on 12 March 1986 Euskal Herria refused to join NATO in the only referendum that has taken place. On the other hand, it is important to highlight the anti-militarist background of some political parties forming EH Bildu and Basque youth.

In view of the above, the EH Bildu coalition, in March 2024, must acknowledge that it has something to say in relation to all this, as one of the most important social players in the Basque Country; moreover, if it is politically located on the left and consequently puts it at the centre and defends the rights of the citizens. Faced with the dangerous and serious European geopolitical situation that would jeopardise the future of Basque society, now and not later, EH Bildu must inevitably address the issue. It must therefore put the situation of the conflict in Europe on the table and make it public. For example, it must disseminate information about what is happening in society. On the other hand, it must create and promote an honest debate, regardless of the media that depend on NATO and investment funds. Yes or yes, it has to show the flag of anti-militarism and become a great promoter of peace. This cannot deny EH Bildu’s responsibility.

Although the topic is “nuclear” for Euskal Herria, unfortunately EH Bildu has not given the importance it deserves to the topic, it seems he has ignored it. If we act responsibly and honestly towards Basque society, the time has come to influence and drive forward.

Therefore, taking into account the responsibility that EH Bildu has in relation to all this, on the one hand because EH Bildu is trying to govern and lead the CAV and, on the other, because the autonomous elections will be held in April and June in Europe, I ask you:

Do not look the other way, put aside the electorate calculations and necessarily become a promoter of what has been said and address that challenge. In short, being a real advocate of the natural rights of the Basque community and its citizens.

If it did not, it would be clear that EH Bildu does not defend the interests of Basque citizenship, ordinary people, the Basque working class. And instead, I would declare that it is in defense of other interests or others.

It is time for real driving!

Don't miss the opportunity, better late than ever.

Rafa Beloki Zapirain

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