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How hard are the producers going to the Ziburu Trade Fair?

  • It will be held on 4 June in Ziburu No 3. Book and Disco Fair, with the presence of 33 publishers, record companies and car manufacturers. We've talked to some of them to see what states are approaching Ziburu this year.

26 May 2022 - 10:16
Last updated: 11:22
Argazkia: Dani Blanco
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The Mayo editorial will be at the Ziburu Fair for the third time, and according to Editora Luzien Etxezaharreta, the papers presented earlier this year at the Sara Fair will be transferred to Ziburu: "We have to take advantage of the fair to present our books, and that of Ziburu is special in this sense, because it is a fair exclusively in Basque." There you will find, among others, Survival of Marikita Tambourin, on the borders of the Island of Itxaro Borda, or the news of Vasconia by Jean Louis Davant, seen from Iparralde.

The Basque reader will approach the fair and Etxezaharreta assures that they go with optimism to the historical capital of the letters of Lapurdi. In addition, he says that other publishers will also be present at the fair, so it will be a meeting point and a climate of collaboration: "Literature is of great importance to a language and at this moment the Basque letters are living a good time".

"There is a hunger for comics in Basque"

The cartoonist and editor Dani Fano is in charge of Xabiroi magazine, which was present in the first edition of the Fair of Ziburu, last year and in the third are also happy: "In the first edition heat was fed and it was slower, but he was seen with possibilities: good environment, good organization... And in last year's edition, the expectations we saw in the first one were confirmed. There was a very good atmosphere, a lot of people got together and we also sold it well." He has also taken advantage of the listening of a filmmaker to bring his sensations to light: "But what is this, listen so much Basque in Ziburu! ".

He says that this year they will also be happy, and also with two novelties and four authors: on the one hand Arranotxu, of the Crazy Horse, and on the other, Sasi artean, sewn between Elgeta, Koldo Izagirre, Garluk and Dani Fano.

In recent years the Basque comic book has lived a good time and Fano assures that he is moving well in the fairs: "At least there's a hunger for comics in Basque." It says that in these places a good relationship is created, the papers are signed, they are drawn in front of the reader... "And the environment is beautiful." Satisfaction and hope this year: "Last year we made a good sale and we hope this year is also OK."

In addition to highlighting the health of the Basque comic book, he says that the Ziburu square is a special place for the comiceros: "They take good care of us. Of course, there they are in the organization Adur Larrea and Ladix Arrosagarai, both linked to the world of comics. So we're going to go to a nice place to Ziburu."

Record label difficulties

The Baga-Biga discography was last year at the Ziburu Trade Show and will be present again this year. Ritxi Aizpuru, from the record company, tells us that last year they did not sell it: "It was a bad experience in this sense, but if the record companies and publishers do not support these types of initiatives, who will promote them? ". It says that the Ziburu Fair has nothing to do with that of Durango, but that you have to be at the fairs: "Culture needs these kinds of initiatives. Last week we were at the record and book fair organized by Sormen in Galdakao, and there we didn't sell it either, there were few people."

As it is known, the sale of CDs has been declining for a long time, "since 2010 it has been sold less," says Aizpuru. Record labels have had to reinvent themselves and that is why "in Baga-Big we are obliged to have a 360º look to offer the best possible service to the artist and the consumer". The situation has changed a lot and the biggest task that record companies are doing today is managing the concerts: "The album is above all a presentation card, it's not even covered with the expenses."

This year the Baga-Biga production will bring a novelty to Ziburu, the second solo album by singer Pantxoa Carrereren Esperantzan. As it is from Iparralde, it goes with the hope that it will sell better, "but we will see, last year we took the new album from the Kalakan group and it was not sold, although they are also from Iparralde".

The sale of music production undergoes difficult times, and they are also attentive to the sector to "see the support towards which music will be directed". But it's not just Ziburu or Galdakao, Aizpuru says it's more general and, for example, with the cutbacks of people that were made last year at the Durango Fair, Aizpuru explains that music didn't sell it, "and yet you have to be."

Euskaltzaindia also

Among the first attendees to this third edition is Euskaltzaindia, and Jasone Iroz, a worker at the Baiona Academy office, says they go enthusiastically: "In Iparralde we only have two fairs, that of Sara and now that of Ziburu, so we have to be. In Iparralde, moreover, Euskaltzaindia has less prestige than in Hegoalde and the Fair of Ziburu will help us to make our products known. I am not sure, but perhaps this market has a younger audience than that of Sara and will therefore be complementary to that of Sara. Ziburu's is also only in Euskera, and that needs to be put in value."

According to Iroz, they are not going to present anything new, because they did so recently at the Sara Fair. They will not present, therefore, but the three new papers presented in Sara will be in Ziburu: on the one hand, the book of poems of Txomin Peillen, the collection of Jan bertso / Recueil of versification. Sans rimes ni raisons 1951-2021); Blanca Trajería de Navarra, worked by Jean-Louis Davant; and, finally, the Anthology of the writer knife Jean Elizalde, the work of Jabier Kaltzakorta.

More and more publishers and record companies are approaching the Ziburu Trade Fair and, with the weather conditions, on 4 June we must wish the producers who are at ease in Ziburu, for which it is essential to sell them orderly. But there's a lot more to sell, like a showcase of a relationship space, a bridge, a culture, or as the main story of this magazine this week, one day in the Basque Republic, says.

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