Republican majorities of the House of Representatives, M. Under the leadership of McCaul, the Texas representative, he has published the account of the shame of August 2021, if not exhaustive, and since it could not be otherwise, he highlights the errors of the “Biden-Harris Administration”, attributing to Kamala a leading role that no one would have found so far. On the contrary, the Democratic minority has also made public its offensive, which occurred after Trump judged the effect of the administration in the negotiations with the Taliban.
Three years later, however, it seems that it is impossible for one or another to reflect a little on that decisive event. The key word for the Kabul incident is “Bagram”. At the time, the United States was the largest base not only in Afghanistan, but throughout Asia. 45 days before leaving Kabul, which they left as “left”. And this led to the dismantling of the Afghan army.
The Republican report devotes a full chapter to the subject (“Close Bagram Air Base”, p. 73-78)... but only from the point of view of the withdrawal of the Americans. The Democrats' replies also prefer to forget Bagram altogether. The appearance of the Afghans, who had to remain there, seemed to be irrelevant.
But somewhere else it's written, though in a more secret tone:
“It is noted that in July 2021 the United States’ abandonment of Bagram Air Base caused frustration among Afghan military officials, who told the Associated Press that the Americans had left the base at night, blinking the new Afghan commander from the base without saying anything. The commander realized two hours later, when the looters were engaged in looting the base. Pentagon spokesman John Kirby later told reporters that "high-level" Afghan officials knew about the exit from the United States, but refused to discuss the report of Afghan military officials. However, the perception of early dawn had a desperate impact on Afghan soldiers. An Afghan soldier told the Associated Press that 'in one night, [EE.UU.] He lost all the goodwill of 20 years, fleeing, at night, not even the Afghan soldiers who were patrolling the area.' A senior official of the Afghan Defence and National Security Forces told SIGAR [the rapporteur] that the departure of Bagram was a clear signal to all forces, who were alone and would not have the logistical, medical or wage support of the international community.”
And thus, one could say that each of the allies, without saying anything to the other, had “retired.”
Inkesta gehienen arabera, Inuit Ataqatigiit alderdi ezkertiar independentistaren eta Siumut sozialdemokrataren arteko aliantzak jarraituko du indarrean parlamentuan. Herrialdeko lehen ministro Mute Egedek hauteskundeak aurreratzea proposatu zuen, AEBen "kanpo presioek"... [+]
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Maiatzaren 12an Filipinetan egingo diren Bongbong Marcosen agintaldiaren erdiko hauteskundeek eman dezakete argibideren bat herritar xeheen artean kezka noraino errotu den begiztatzeko.
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Hemendik aurrera egunkarian soilik "norbanakoen askatasuna eta merkatu librea" sustatzen dituzten iritziak jasoko direla adierazi du enpresaburuak. Iritzi artikuluen zuzendariak hedabidea utzi duela ere argitaratu du.
AEBek Ukrainako gerraren aurrean egindako jarrera aldaketaren barruan, “lur arraroak” deiturikoak negoziaziorako gai nagusi bilakatu dira Volodymyr Zelenskyren eta Donald Trumpen artean. Lehenak nahi du AEBek bere segurtasuna bermatu dezatela Errusiaren aurrean,... [+]
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