If, as they have done in many places, in Euskal Herria we were also given massive tests on the citizens, we would know who they are not contaminated and, therefore, children could play peacefully, hugging and playing. But if not, there are many children who do not work with their friends and friends.
Children up to 3 years old do not yet play cooperatively, or at least do not need so much to do so; they simply have to be accompanied by attachment figures. On the contrary, the psychologist Alberto Soler says that from the age of 3, not having contact with other children can generate a great discomfort and that they are already seeing the affected children.
In the words of the psychologist, for children it is essential to socialize, play and share, and if it cannot influence the mood, generating anxiety, behavioral problems, regressing in development…
According to the organization Save The Children, one in four children suffers from confinement anxiety.
Just as there are more and more voices, the psychologist has also called for the focus on children and their needs and concerns to be taken into account, understanding that the managers of the pandemic have forgotten them.
Eskolaz kanpoko jardueren eskaintza zabala egiten duten ikastetxeen aldean, beste askok ez du horretarako aukerarik; eta eskola bereko ikasleen artean ere, denek ezin dute ekintzetan parte hartu, baliabide ekonomikoek baldintzatuta. Esku hartzeko dei egin diete instituzioei:... [+]
Miopia gero eta gehiago eta gero eta lehenago ari da garatzen, eta horren arriskua da dioptriak gehitzen joatea eta helduaroan begiari lotutako hainbat gaitz izateko aukerak dezente handitzea. “Eguzki-argia jasotzea inportantea da, eta denbora asko ez igarotzea oso gertu... [+]