Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

How to use automatic translation to the Basque language of Telegram

  • Automatic translation to the Basque language of Telegram (at least in mobile version) has been active for several weeks. In other words, in a message in English or in any other language, with a click you can read the translation to Basque.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

09 October 2024 - 07:00

That's how it works.

On the one hand, by clicking on the link on the mobile or accessing settings, select Euskera as a language and also activate the translation option. What we show in this interface:

Next, let's say you have a message in Spanish. This belongs to an open group, so you don't need to cover the names, but that's the sequence. We have an English stanza in the middle, in which, by clicking, we are presented with options to react with emoticons or answers, and among these options you can also "translate." If you click here, return the message.

Via Web: no in Basque in other languages

We have tried to make it work via the web as well, but not. We haven't found any choice in Basque, but we've done it on other occasions, and we've tried Catalan. The following shows how the configuration page has been modified. In the list of languages, at the moment there is no Basque on the list.

Once this is established, in the web version of Telegram we have done the experiment with a message in Basque. In this case, the Basque to Catalan. By clicking on the message referring to the personal phone, the Translate - Translate option appears to us.

And here's what has given us as a result:


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