Aitor Leiza, member of the association Itsas Enara, delivered on 2 May in Zizurkil a conference on birds and the influence of wind power plants on them, Andatza-Ezkeltzu Bizirik! organised by the group. It responds to what it says "to me that five bug": "Do we know how this endangered bug affects plants? For example, we see it clearly with bees: bees are disappearing and if bees disappear, pollination will be lost and we won't have so many fruits. If we don't know what a bug can cause, we shouldn't let it lose, knowing it's in danger."
Biologist Aitziber Sarobe also offered a conference in April in Zizurkil in which she noted that "the environmental impact of the comprehensive development of the government's Sectoral Territorial Plan (STS) not yet approved has not been measured. It analyzes whether or not environmental authorization is granted to each project, but there is no general view. Even if the PTS were fully implemented, with over 70 wind power plants in the CAPV, we would only contribute 40% of the current energy consumption. And for that we're making a huge attack on nature. The exit from the energy crisis cannot lead to a loss of biodiversity and natural heritage, which will lead to a further crisis. That's what COVID-19 teaches us. We are not living beings independent of nature, we are part of the living system. We depend on our natural environment and we don't know how far. We don't know how many pieces we can remove from this natural environment without questioning our survival as an animal. What we know is that all the living things that we live on this planet today have evolved together. We have all come into contact at this time. And we don't know those relationships. We've spent many hours researching but we don't get to understand this system, life is a very complex system."
Here, briefly, some data collected by Subai Fundazioa in his report Biodiversity in Navarra, a vital resource in danger of extinction.
Biologian doktorea, CESIC Zientzia Ikerketen Kontseilu Nagusiko ikerlaria eta Madrilgo Rey Juan Carlos unibertsitateko irakaslea, Fernando Valladares (Mar del Plata, 1965) klima aldaketa eta ingurumen gaietan Espainiako Estatuko ahots kritiko ezagunenetako bat da. Urteak... [+]
Nola azaldu 10-12 urteko ikasleei bioaniztasunaren galerak eta klima aldaketaren ondorioek duten larritasuna, “ez dago ezer egiterik” ideia alboratu eta planetaren alde elkarrekin zer egin dezakegun gogoetatzeko? Fernando Valladares biologoak hainbat gako eman dizkie... [+]