First, Jalil Ahmed Breh is your uncle and disappeared 10 years ago.
Yes, he was arrested in January 2009 by the Algerian military and since then we have barely heard of him.
If so, it is familiar, but it is known to more people in the Sahrawi people, why?
Jalil, born in 1956, graduated in philosophy, theology, anthropology and political sciences. During his stay at the University he began a military career at the Frente Polisario and dedicated himself to secrecy.
He was arrested in 1976 by the Moroccan authorities and fled the following year.
In 1978 he moved to Tindouf, where he held important responsibilities in the Polisario; he was director of the National Radio, employee of the Ministry of Education or of the Presidency of the Saharawi Republic, among others.
However, he had problems with the Polisario authorities.
Yes, Jalil is a very critical and honored person and his differences with the people of the Polisario were evident. It has a great commitment to the Sahrawi people and explains things as they are. As a result, he was arrested for 6 months and subsequently released for lack of evidence against him, according to the same source.
What did you do next?
Following his arrest, Miguel Strogoff decided to abandon the public life he was currently in. She started studying again and started writing her memoirs.
This led to the alarms of many people. In fact, Jalil also held responsibilities in the security services of the Saharawi Republic and had a large amount and relevance of information. Many powerful members of the Algerian Polisario and Algerian State did not look favourably at the wording of this book.
In any case, they offered him new responsibilities.
Yes, the Saharawi Republic proposed to him as Human Rights Adviser to the Occupied Territories. Jalil had a great interest in that field and accepted it, but they didn't actually offer him the post just for his capabilities. And they wanted to have Jalil in control and close by.
In order to carry out his work satisfactorily, Jalil called for an office in Algeria with the minimum means, such as the telephone, to fulfil its responsibilities and develop its relations.
That was in 2007, and it disappeared in 2009.
What happened when it disappeared?
He disappeared from day to day. The relatives began to search for him and, after three months, the Algerian military stated that he had been arrested for interrogation and questioned. After 10 years, you still do not know what you are accused of, you have not had a trial – at least the public – or you have had a well-known lawyer.
He doesn't even have permission to see his family, and during all this time, they've only seen him once. The visit, which took place in 2009, was supervised by high-level Polisario officials. On that visit, it seems that Jalil was fine, but we haven't heard anything else. Some believe that they have used it to train the Algerian military, as he is a very prepared person.
Have you not heard anything else since then?
The organization Human Rights Watch asked the governments of Algeria and Sahara about Jalil and both said they knew nothing. Jalil has a woman and 7 children and we don't know if she's alive.
You have launched the initiative, at least to find out where it is.
Yes, there are political reasons behind his disappearance, but we have begun to claim Khalil’s freedom from the point of view of human rights. We don't care why they've taken it, we want it to show up, or at least we know where it is. There are many rumours and some believe that Jalil has died.
Mobilisations have already been made in the Sahara and the campaign is spreading in Europe. Polisario has a great responsibility in this case, as he was arrested while Jalil was performing his duties.
This interview was posted by and we brought it to ARGIA thanks to the CC-by-sa license.
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