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Nikolas Aldai dies, journalist and Basque bertsolari

  • Born in Artziola, between Errezil and Elosiaga, in Herri Irratia and in the Basque Country Irratia, Aldai was passionate about the Bertsos. For over 30 years he ran the Hitza games program, and his voice was known among the Basque listeners of that time.

22 October 2020 - 12:07
Nikolas Aldai artxiboko irudi batean (Argazkia: Conny Beyreuther / Bertsolari aldizkaria)

Journalist Nikolas Aldai died on Wednesday at the age of 73, according to the Ertzaintza report. Aldai was born in Artziola, between Errezil and Elosiaga, in 1947, and devoted most of his life to the world of Bertsolaris and journalism. He currently resides in Hondarribia.

Aldai started her radio career in 1970 at the Herri Irratia station in Donostia-San Sebastián. He later worked in the newspaper Deia, in the delegation of Pamplona, but in 1982 Euskadi Irratia was created and there he began to work. He began directing radio programs around Bertsolarism in 1988, and was responsible for Bertsolarism programs in the Basque Country Irratia since 1988. He was the director of the Hitza games program for about 30 years, and his stories were known to the Basque listeners of that time. His witness was the Oriotarra Xabier Sukia.

Aldai also took over the bertsos archive of the Basque Country Irratia. He deepened Bertsolarism by taking advantage of the opportunity given to him by the radio. According to the Bertsozale Elkartea Association of the Basque Country, Aldai was "one of the most experts in historical and current Bertsozale".

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