Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa The e-mail service in Basque is already underway

  • The Puneus Foundation and the company Guebs have developed the e-mail service in Basque, which allows users to access it.

16 May 2020 - 08:10

Creators stress that the mail service guarantees "data privacy and security": no ads, no tracking, encrypted communications, etc. "It's a mail service created in Euskera and from Euskera," the Puneus Foundation explained in a statement. Customer service, web interface, support documents or customer area, all in Basque.

It can be used anywhere: on the mobile phone or on the computer, both through the regular mail program and through the web, and offers additional services: practical calendar, address book, redirects...

There are two free versions and a Premium (for 3 euros per month). If you select this second, for example, you will move all user email accounts that are in another provider, as "your full content is also the registration of your domain".You can also create a custom .eus domain,

On the occasion of the celebration this Sunday, 17, of the International Internet Day, the members of the Puneus Foundation consider it a good time to present the postal service.

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