The Venezuelan police arrested two mercenaries from the company Silvercop in which they were arrested during the Sunday operation. This company belongs to Jordan Groudeau, allegedly responsible for the perpetrators of the attack, and one of the two detainees, Luke Denman, has recognized the objective of the attack. Denman explained that, if it was going to be OK, I was expecting a great reward: “I expected between 50,000 and 100,000 dollars.”
#EnVideo 📹 | Testimony of American terrorist terrorist Luke Alexander Denman who claims that Silvercorp has operations in Venezuela#TiburanoBolivariano2020
— VTV CANAL 8 (@VTVchannel8) May 6, 2020
Denman and the other detainee, Airan Berry, are former U.S. military personnel in special operations in the United States Army. Both will be tried in Venezuela, and Venezuela will ask the United States to extradite Goudreau to Venezuela, as the alleged director of the actions of the detainees.
The Government after the attack
In the face of hostility between the United States and Venezuela, which is public and obvious, Maduro has accused Trump of being the "leader of the invasion." For his part, US President Donald Trump has denied the "relationship" between the US Government and the attack.
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has announced that they will use all the tools they have to bring the two detainees back to the United States.
Home Note: “Entertainment response at the end.”
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