Nicola Sturgeon, Scottish Prime Minister, resigns. Since November 2014, the Scottish National Party (SNP) has led the Scottish government after the resignation of Alex Salmond. Report the decision at a press conference. He mentions the "barbarism of modern politics" as the reason for resignation, as can be seen in the Scottish nationalist newspaper The National. Sturgeon indicates that it will remain in the remote until you choose your replacement. "My mind and my heart tell me that long ago. It is the most suitable for me, for my party and for my people," he said.
The main objective of Sturgeon over the years has been to organise a second independence referendum, but it has failed to do so, although on many occasions it has asked London for authorisation. London has only given him negative, and according to the judgment of the UK Supreme Court, Scotland cannot be questioned without permission in London. This has made it difficult to achieve the Head of Government’s objective.
In addition, the trans-European bill approved by the Scottish Parliament has been debated in recent weeks. This project aimed to reduce the age of gender choice from 18 to 16 years, without the need for intermediate medical certificates. The bill caused division within the SNP and was blocked by the UK Government. However, Sturgeon points out that his resignation is not "a consequence of the pressure he has endured".
Eskoziako Lur Garaietara otsoak itzularazteak basoak bere onera ekartzen lagunduko lukeela adierazi dute Leeds unibertsitateko ikertzaileek.. Horrek, era berean, klima-larrialdiari aurre egiteko balioko lukeela baieztatu dute, basoek atmosferako karbono-dioxidoa xurgatuko... [+]
I just saw a series from another sad detective. All the plots take place on a remote island in Scotland. You know how these fictions work: many dead, ordinary people but not so many, and the dark green landscape. This time it reminded me of a trip I made to the Scottish... [+]
Time passes quickly, even more so after two years so slow and weird by the pandemic. The Scottish Prime Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, announced at the end of June his intention to conduct a further consultation on the country’s independence in October 2023, which leads us to... [+]
Independentziari buruzko bigarren erreferenduma 2023ko urriaren 19an egitea proposatu zuen Nicola Sturgeon Eskoziako lehen ministroak joan den astean. Ezezkoa erantzun dio Boris Johnson Erresuma Batuko lehen ministroak
Eskoziako Parlamentuan egindako hitz hartzean eman du horren berri Nicola Sturgeon Eskoziako Lehen ministroak. Aurkezpenean, kritikatu egin du Erresuma Batuko Gobernuak orain arte ukandako "blokeo jarrera".