Because Netflix FR offers you the ability to watch movies and shows in Basque, Apps Euskaraz is not a victory, but a breakthrough. Your members have spoken to the media: “From our point of view, the Netflix platform has realised the real demand for watching audiovisual in Euskera, thanks, among other things, to the work carried out throughout the year by popular actors and initiatives for linguistic standardization, and which have anticipated the situation, taking a step further in the supply of content in local languages.”
Some audiovisuals are folded in Euskera and others have subtitles. Those who have audio in Basque are:
- Herrero
- Marine Beast
- The Dordokas Ninja
- Supergiant Robot Brothers
- Ollie Lost
And the subtitles in Euskera are as follows:
- D. Metal
- Perph across the river
- Last year
- Between
- Interceptor
- Love and ice cream
- 365 days
- Choose or die
- Emily in Paris
- Scandal
- 365 days: The following day
- First Exhaustion
- Boo, whore
- Persuasion
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