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Euskalgintza supports the Netflix Euskaraz campaign

  • The campaign drivers challenged 10,000 signatures by 15 April and already have over 10,500 support signatures. It is expected that 20,000 signatures of EU support will be obtained on 3 December. The Netflix Euskaraz group has received the support of all the agents of Basque cultural activity.  

19 April 2021 - 10:21
Argazkia: Netflix Euskaraz

The citizen collective Netflix Euskaraz has appeared before the media in the Landako area of Durango. The group has been supported by many actors in the field of Basque communication, the audiovisual sector and Basque culture. In addition, they have stressed that the Basque country also has to have its place on the streaming platforms of the network.

The Netflix Euskaraz campaign has been supported by the following agents: Euskaltzaleen Topagunea, Euskalgintza Kontseilua, UEMA, Tinko Euskara Elkartea, Disney + Euskaraz taldea, Bieuse, Ibaia Ikus-Elkartea, AEK, Napar Ikusentzunezkoak Elkartea, Euskal Abideak,

The aim of Netflix’s Euskaraz initiative is for Euskaldunes to be able to watch the contents of Netflix in Euskera and to do so they are collecting signatures. Beyond the 10,000 signatures barrier and the response of Basque citizens, the collection of signatures has been extended until 3 December, when the 20,000 signatures are expected to be reached.

The members of the initiative have denounced that it is up to the institutions of the Basque Country to guarantee the rights of the Basques. In the coming weeks, in the debate on the new General Law of Audiovisual Communication in Spain, the political parties have asked the parties to defend the rights of vasco-speakers.

Commitment to the Basque Country

At a hearing in Durango, they recalled two other initiatives in favor of the presence of Euskera on digital screens: Disney + Euskera and 3,000 Twitz. Members of Disney Euskaraz have collected nearly 6,000 signatures, while the Twitz project has achieved about 4,000 signatures. The latter claims that the currently fashionable Twitch platform is in Euskera.

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