This is the news in the Israeli media over the past few days. As regards the confirmation of the consultation, there are numerous disputes, some of which are being dealt with in the judicial investigation. Since the end of October, the Office of the Attorney-General of the State of Israel has been investigating the activity of Netanyahu’s office and has registered its office on 2 November.
Previously, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had already said he knew about the Hamas attack on 7 October, or at least something significant could have happened. However, in the context of the Israeli justice investigation, an Army report points out how the intelligence services informed the Prime Minister that something was happening among the HAMAS militiamen.
The report indicated that on 6 October a significant number of Hamas members were activated to be able to speak in Israel via SIM cards. As a result, the alarms were switched on and on the night of 6 to 7 October several meetings were held to deal with security problems, in which Natanyahu also participated.
There is no further information in the Israeli media on the subject about these meetings, but in any event it was decided not to do anything and therefore no special security system was organized. Both in the first place and in the next, Netanyahu’s office has roundly denied that something was known and, what is more, has put the responsibility for not knowing anything about the security forces. In any case, until now, Netanyahu had always refused to open an inquiry into the matter in the Israeli Parliament.
Among other things, they can be read in the blog Moon of Alabama and the author draws very strict conclusions: “Netanyahu already knew about the attacks and from the beginning it was suspected that it was so, now we know that it was so.” According to the author, it is surprising that the Western media have not talked much about these investigations and allegations, and has exempted veteran journalist Seymour Herst, who has written on the subject this Tuesday.
The first detainees
Judge Menachem Mizrahi has arrested five Army and Government senior positions related to the case. The relatives of those abducted by HAMAS have on several occasions accused Netanyahu of having, on the one hand, information prior to the Hamas attack on 7 October and, on the other hand, of manipulating information about those abducted for their own benefit.
As for the abductees, according to the information now available, some officials of the Netanyahu office have disseminated false information about the abductees. It appears that a report by the Army's intelligence services was manipulated and filtered to various international media, indicating that Hamas leader Yahya Al Sinwar was to flee to Iran and take hostages.
The aim of the leaks was for a number of international media to publish the news, and for the Israeli media to echo it. According to the relatives of the abductees, Netanyahu used this information to put an end to the optimistic negotiations on the freedom of the abductees that were taking place at a given time.
Minutes handling session
But perhaps the most serious accusation being made of the Netanyahu office is that it has tried to manipulate the minutes of the high-level meetings held between 6 and 7 October. According to Israeli public television Kan, the Army Chief of Staff, Herzi Halevi, received a complaint a few months ago informing of an Army officer who was unduly using the Netanyahu office.
According to this information, several individuals from Netanyahu's office blackmailed an army officer to modify the minutes of the security meetings on 6-7 October, warning that otherwise "sensitive images" would be published about the "inadequate relations" he maintained with another military officer.
The Army investigated these relationships and concluded that there was no abuse of power by the officer. Previously, several people at Netanyahu's office had intercepted the woman's phone, which had filtered sensitive information, but Netanyahu's investigations point to the fact that this action was intended to obtain information about her relationship with the officer, according to police sources.
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