The International Criminal Court has requested at noon on Monday that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Minister of Defence, Yoav Gallant, be arrested for war crimes. The same is true of the leader of Sixteen, Yahya Sinwar, head of the Al Qass Brigade, Diab Ibrahim al-Mas, and Ismail Haniyeh, political leader of Hamas.
According to Prosecutor Karim Khan in an interview on CNN, after which the official communiqué was opened, the Hague tribunal has requested the arrest of the Israeli authorities Netanyahu and Gallant along with the three leaders of Sixteen. The Israeli has been accused of committing war crimes, of causing famine among civilians, of attacking humanitarian workers and, ultimately, of violating international law.
The three top leaders of the Gaza resistance are Yahya Sinwar, Ismail Haniyeh and Mohammed Deif. On 7 October, he is charged with committing war crimes and crimes against humanity, including murder and captivity of persons.
“Israel has intentionally and systematically denied the civilian population of Gaza the objects essential to human survival, as corroborated by the evidence received (analyzing interviews, videos, photos and audios with survivors and witnesses, including satellite images and statements by the alleged executing group),” the lawyer said in his statement. Remember that hunger has been used as a "method of war", along with other collective aggressions and punishments, such as "serious, spectacular and undisputed actions". Crimes include malnutrition, dehydration, deep suffering and the uninterrupted death of Palestinians, including babies, young people and women.”
This arrest warrant against the Israeli authorities is unprecedented, according to CNN, which is the first time they have requested the arrest of the highest authority of an allied country in the United States. Faced with Vladimir Putin, the Hague court called for the same penalty in connection with the invasion of Ukraine.
Asteburua baino lehen lau gatiburen gorpuak itzuliko ditu Hamasek. Horrela, Gazarako su-etenaren lehen faserako adostutako preso truke guztiak gauzatuko dituzte Israelek eta talde palestinarrak.
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