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Nerea Ibarzabal has won the semifinal of Lemoa and completed the final

  • Saturday played the third and last semifinal in Lemoa, with all tickets exhausted for a week
Artikulu hau egilearen baimenari esker ekarri dugu.

27 November 2023 - 07:55
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Exhausted entries for the last semifinal: 700 people met at the Lemoa municipal sports club in the last semi-final of the Bizkaia Bertsolaris Championship. In the cold outside, but inside the pediment, six people have sung for bertsolarism fans:

  • Aissa Intxausti Aburruza
  • Ibai Amillategi Omaetxebarria
  • Josune Aramendi Pérez
  • Nerea Ibarzabal Salegi
  • Oihana Bartra Arenas
  • Onintza Enbeita Maguregi

After performing all the punctuable works, Nerea Ibarzabal Salegi has been the one with the most points, 638 points. The bertsolari of Markina-Xemein has therefore obtained the card for the final to be held on 16 December in Bilbao. So today's scores remain.

  • Nerea Ibarzabal Salegi---------- 638
  • Onintza Enbeita Maguregi----- 635.5
  • Oihana Bartra Arenas ------------ 610.5
  • Aissa Intxausti Borrosion-------- 580
  • Amillategi Omań--- 571
  • Josune Aramendi Perez---------- 567.5

On this occasion, Idoia Anzorandia Kareaga has been the author of the programme. The jury will be composed of Ander Arrien Aspiazu, Ander Txakartegi Basterretxea, Joseba Santxo Uriarte, Jurgi Fuentes Goikoetxea, Leire Etxebarria Gaztelu, Mirari Azula Aurrekoetxea and Miriam Juaristi Urizar. have been. Itziar Basterretxea Olarreaga has served as secretary.

Finalists decided

Today’s programme has decided what will be the eight bertsolaris that will act at the final of the Bizkaia Championship in Bertsolaris:

  • Xabat Galletebeitia
  • Jone Uria
  • Nerea Ibarzabal
  • Beneficence Embeita
  • Oihana Bartra
  • Gorka Pagonabarraga
  • Aitor Etxebarriazarraga
  • Aissa Intxausti

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