In order to revitalize the agriculture of Uribe Kosta, several neighbours in the area have initiated the Otxantegi Herri Lurra project in the lands of the Otxandategi tower house in Berango. According to Hodei Rodríguez, one of the project's drivers, the plot they occupy has been used for agriculture for years, "at least until last year they cast people living in the old tower four generations house". Since then, these lands have not been cultivated, and instead of leaving things like that, entrepreneurs have decided to recover them and keep them for agriculture, starting a community orchard.
In addition to cultivating the garden, the objective of this project is to make a bridge between the farmhouse and the city. In fact, the activists regret that the urbanization process experienced by the region in recent years has made it "almost impossible" to dedicate to agriculture: "Today it is very difficult to find a land to cultivate land to start working in agriculture."
The aim of the project is to bring the project closer to the people of Berango and its surroundings and to maintain it in the long term. To this end, on Saturday, 2 April, a multitudinous public presentation was held. Potatoes were planted in Auzolan and a round table was held in which the characteristics of the urban process that the region has experienced over the years were analyzed. Then they performed a hallubiada, enjoyed an act of musicated poetry and had concerts. "Our goal was to make a broad cultural offering for people to get closer," he added.
Following the presentation, an open meeting will be held on Wednesday at 18:00 a.m. to continue the project. "It will be an open assembly, our goal is for everyone to participate," Rodríguez stressed.
The Huerta Urbana de Udaberri is a project that has been launched in the San Juan district of Pamplona. The green spaces already exist in the area, but this project, launched by the association of neighbors San Juan Xar, wants the citizenship to have an active role in this space... [+]
“As a young man in Bilbao, I felt that the city’s society is not connected to agriculture.” This is how Kepa Añibarro Zorita explains from where his interest in the environment and land arose. After studying Environmental Chemistry and Landscaping and Rural Environment,... [+]
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Donostiako Alde Zaharreko Gazte Asanbladak jakinarazi duenez, asteazken goizean udaltzainek Trinitate plazaren goiko aldean martxan jarritako auzo baratzea desegin dute.
Barakaldoko Ekologistak Martxaneko ordezkari legala hiri horretako 1. Instrukzio-epaitegian deklaratzera deitu dute, gaur eguerdian, higiezinak usurpatzeko delitua leporatuta. Talde ekologistak prentsa ohar baten bidez azaldu duenez, abandonatutako lursail bat berreskuratu eta... [+]