TV3, the 30-minute programme of Catalan public television, is offering a report on Sunday on the fight against climate change by Saul Luciano. The melting of the two glaciers has led to the risk of flooding on the island of Huaraz and has become a threat to the family, home and agricultural land of Luciano. The greenhouse effect generated by CO2 emissions into the atmosphere is accelerating the process of melting glaciers and in order to cope with this situation it moved three years ago to Germany after crossing the Atlantic.
A study by the University of Texas reveals that the volume of Lake Palcacocha, located twenty kilometers from Huaraz, has increased thirty times in 40 years. The study reveals that the acceleration of the fusion of two glaciers at the summits of Alpamayo, Chopicalqui and Huasarán is the cause of growth.
The objective of Luciano’s departure to Germany in 2015, with the help of Germanwatch activists, was to denounce that CO2 emissions from the thermal installations of the RWE power companies could cause the collapse of two glaciers and the risk of flooding the island of Huaraz.
A 2013 study of the scientific journal Climate Change warned that the company RWE is one of the largest pollutants in the world and therefore one of the main responsible for the decline of the Andean glaciers. In particular, it is responsible for 0.47% of total greenhouse gas emissions.
The Hamm Regional Court has admitted Saul Luciano’s request and it will now be the chosen experts who determine whether the company’s activity is responsible for the collapse of these glaciers.
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