Radio Rabe Anouk Maria Robinigg, a member of the Free Nekane platform, has sent the following message: That Switzerland is going to position itself, that is, that it is going to have to decide whether it is going to violate the pact against torture, or whether it is going to do so, making it clear that Spain is torture.
At 12:00 a.m., about 50 people were concentrated in front of the Berne Justice headquarters. Photos disseminated by Anarchistisch on social networks:
The website has been responsible for making the chronicle of this concentration of protests.
The rally was convened at 19:00 in the hometown of Nekane Txapartegi.
Here you can hear Txapartegi's interview at the end of May on Hala Bedi radio. Txapartegi, who was cited by videoconference on 22 May, made no statements not to enter the game of the states of Spain and Switzerland. In the photo, that day he concentrated in Asteasu:
In 2016, the Swiss Government held Txapartegi in prison for 17 months because of Spain’s request for extradition to Spain. But when, in 2006, Txapartegi was tried by the Superior Court of Justice of Spain in Macrosumario 18/98, with the only evidence against him being the self-accusations made under torture, the Swiss public imposed itself against extradition, the result of the work of the Free Nekane movement to inform and obtain accessions on the subject.
Because Swiss society directly linked the Txapartegi case to torture, the Swiss Government was under an obligation to extradite the Basque political refugee and, as Txapartegi reported in Semanario 2627 of ARGIA, sought a solution between the Spanish and Swiss Governments: The Spanish Supreme Court halved the sentencing of Txapartegi and, therefore, the prison had already left Swiss prison.
According to the Freenekane website, the Spanish State has issued an international arrest warrant against young Sevillian Nekane Txapartegi in Madrid. The National High Court summoned him to testify last May, but the political refugee did not make statements to "not enter the... [+]
Espainiako Audientzia Nazionalak deklaratzera deitu du Nekane Txapartegi, eta abokatuek eta bere inguruan sortu den mugimenduak egindako lanari esker, bideokonferentzia bidez egin ahal izango du Bernatik.