The demonstration on Sunday brought together thousands of people – around 5,000 according to the organizers and 1,500 according to the local police – to show their refusal to apply for the Olympic Games to be held in the Pyrenees. 30 public holidays, 30 days of misery, the rural fight against the Capital and the slogans of the Earth have no price, according to journalist Carme Rocamora in the chronicle of El Nacional.
Puigcerdára has travelled by bus organized by the National Assembly of Catalonia (ANC). Among the protesters were members of the CUP and Comuns parties who were against the project, as well as representatives of the ERC, Rubén Wagensberg and Jenn Díaz, although ERC has a different view of the candidacy of the Winter Games.
At the end of the demonstration, the members of the Stop JJOO platform took the floor. Helena Guillén points out that in the Pyrenees a more sustainable model is needed, and that it is more important to improve the living conditions of citizens and ensure quality public services.
Bernat Lavaquiol, for his part, has denounced that the Winter Olympic Games are not designed for residents, but to "enrich traditional caciques". He adds that they want high-quality jobs, so that the Pyrenees are not just the leisure centre of the citizens of the metropolis. His words coincide with those of Pau Lozano, a member of the Stop JJOO platform, in the interview last month by Lukas Barandiaran of ARGIA.
Deadline for COE and questionnaire
Thursday 20 closes the deadline set by the Spanish Olympic Committee COE for the Generalitat of Catalonia and the Government of Aragon to reach an agreement for the candidacy of the 2030 Games.
On the other hand, the Government of Catalonia will conduct two surveys on 24 July in the Pyrenean localities to measure the support for the candidacy of the 2030 Winter Olympics. In the locations where the sports tests are held, the following questions will be asked: "Should the Government of Catalonia nominate the Olympic and Paralympic Games? ".
On the contrary, in other localities where the influence of the Games is indirectly noted, it will be: "Should the region participate in the Olympic and Paralympic Games project? ".
Iñigo Llopis igerilari donostiarrak hiru domina irabazi ditu Munduko Txapelketan eta 2021eko Tokio Paralinpiar Jokoetatik zilarra ekarri zuen etxera. Konporta Kirol Elkartean aritu ondoren, Basque Team klubean dabil gaur egun, “Gipuzkoan maila handia dago”... [+]
Txinako Gobernuak egindako “genozidioa eta gizateriaren aurkako krimenak” salatzeko, ez dute ordezkari diplomatikorik bidaliko neguko jokoetara, baina atletek joan ahal izango dute. Txinak irmo erantzun du: “AEBek ordaindu egingo dute boikotagatik”.