Following the suspension by the Basque Government of the state of health emergency and several measures in force, the council has begun to prepare the festivities held in the city in winter, according to Irutxuloko Hitza. These celebrations include St. Thomas Day, Christmas events, St. Sebastian Day, the Caldereros, the Nodrizas and the Pastors and the Carnivals.
GOIA has stated that, once the celebration of the festivities has been decided, it remains to decide how the festivities will be held. The mayor has stressed that the winter celebrations are more than a holiday: "They are symbolic for the Donostiarras, from the emotional and collective point of view. They are made in community and for community." He adds that last year they made it clear that parties should not be celebrated: "The situation has now improved and it is clear that we have to take steps to ensure that we gradually get back to normal," he added.
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