To denounce that an international congress on housing policies has been organized in Euskal Herria and housing unions have not been counted at all, social activists have brought the claim to the government to the international public. On the Euskalduna table they have opened a banner and went outside without incident when security members have requested it.
They denounce that the Ertzaintza has identified four members and sanctioned three with the Mordaza Law.
They have made the following video showing the protest initiative.
At 17:00 in the afternoon they convened a meeting of speculators outside the Euskalduna Palace.
At the same time as the opening ceremony was established, Argilan - ESK, Berri Otxoa and the Socialist Housing Union of the Basque Country have concentrated. The Basque Government denounces the “cuts” to benefits to achieve “decent housing”, No to the cuts to housing rights. Under the motto "Combat the institutional farce".
The organizers of the protest say that the government has cut housing access benefits and that “these resources are being withdrawn for people and precarious living units”. Two measures that have influenced the possibility of access to decent housing are mentioned: the new Law of the Basque System of Inclusion and Income Guarantee, which redefines the concept of residence, and the creation of the Economic Housing Benefit (PCV), which will replace the existing ones.
Argilan - ESK, Berri Otxoa and the Socialist Housing Union of the Basque Country will be holding a demonstration on 24 February, at 12:00 p.m., against cuts, criminalisation and impoverishment, at Plaza Moyua in Bilbao. They will also denounce the “cutbacks” that are taking place in social benefits.
The housing problem is a structural problem that comes from far away. What should be a human right is nothing more than a subjective right. I say that it is a fraud because, although all the institutions and all the political parties say nice words, they do not grasp the... [+]
Frantziako Estatuko diputatuak eta senatariak ados jarri dira. Orain arte, alokairu turistiko bat alokatzen zutenek etekinen %50 zergapetik kentzeko aukera zuten, urte osoko alokatzaileek, berriz, %30. Lege proposamenak biak hein berdinera ekarriko ditu, hots, %30era.