Leaders and politicians often say: “We won’t leave anyone behind,” but unfortunately it’s not true. Trade unions and social movements are usually more concerned and mobilised with large and medium-sized enterprises or with public sectors.
As representatives of workers from large companies and public sectors have the capacity to mobilise, communicate and draw the attention of the media, everyone knows their situation, such as ITP, Gestamp, Gamesa, Trenasa, Tubacex, Matricerías de Deusto, GT, La Naval or that of public sectors such as education or health. However, there are also thousands of other people working in their service (auxiliary staff, subcontractors, suppliers, hospitality services, transport…) who are losing employment due to the crisis.
Faced with this, we should seek inclusive and forward-looking social policies. As long as this situation lasts and the Temporary Employment Regulation Dossiers are in place, even later, the administrations should take advantage of this to ensure that working people have a life worthy of personal training, especially the younger ones.
According to Manpower-Group, in 2019 the most difficult skilled manual professions in the Spanish State, where we do not have data from the French State, were: electricians, welders, mechanics, carpenters, masons and plumbers. Many of the people who go through college have pockets of unemployment or have to be exiled.
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