The vote has taken place within the Commission on Narcotic Drugs of this organisation and, through the simple majority, they have decided to remove cannabis from list IV of the 1961 Convention on Drugs and officially recognise its medicinal use.
The measure has been put forward with 27 votes in favour, most of the Member States of the European Union, with the exception of Orbanen Hungary, of the extreme right. On the contrary, most countries in Asia and Africa have voted against.
Countries such as Canada, Colombia, the United States, Mexico and Uruguay, which already have other regulations, have opted to take cannabis out of the drug list and to accept its advantages as a drug, among other things.
However, the international organisation has ensured that cannabis used in leisure time will continue to be treated as hitherto by the international body.
1963an Tel Arad aztarnategian (Israel) duela 2.700 urteko bi aldare aurkitu zituzten, bata bestearen ondoan.
AEBetako Georgiako estatuan, poliziak 60 gaztetik gora atxilotu zituen Atlanta hiriko kanpoaldean etxe batean egiten ari ziren festan, Democracy Now gunean jaso dutenez. Marihuana pixka bat aurkitu zuten bertan.
Bi urteko espetxealdia eta 16.000 euroko isuna eskatu ditu Josep Pamies baserritar eta landareetan adituarentzako Lleidako fiskalak, aurpegirauz marihuanaren kontsumoa sustatzen duela. Pamiesen inguruan sortutako Dolça Revolució elkarteak defenditu du, argudiatuz... [+]
AEBetako presidentearen arreta piztu nahi du Columbia Barrutiko Marihuana Koalizioak, “martxan jar dezan marihuana maila federalean legalizatzeko erreforma”.
Kalamuak duen THC osagaiak zelula minbizi-eragileak beren buruaz beste egitera bultzatzen dituela frogatu du Cristina Sanchez Madrilgo Unibertsitate Konplutentseko biokimika molekularreko ikertzaileak. Kanabisaren eratorriek tumore mota guztiei eragiten dietela azaldu du.