On 21 November, the International Criminal Court (ICC) ordered the arrest of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Defence Minister Yoav Gallant. The Hague Tribunal accuses them of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Gaza by the detainees. The sentence sets out the following crimes from 8 October 2023 to 20 May 2024: "A crime of famine war, crimes against humanity, murder, persecution and other cruel acts." In addition, the International Criminal Court (ICC) considers that it has "reasonable arguments" to state that the two leaders "consciously" committed attacks on citizens in Afghanistan. The resolution reads as follows: "The crimes against them are part of a global and systematic attack on the civilian population of Gaza."
Netanyahu compared this decision "with the trial of Dreyfus", which qualifies as "anti-Semitism" the step taken by the attack. For his part, Hamas political bureau member Bassem Naïm said: "It is an important step towards justice, which can allow victims to get redress, but it remains humble and symbolic if not all countries around the world accept it," he added. For its part, the European Union has asked itself whether the decision is respected and complied with: "It's not a political decision. (...) It is a decision by a court, a court of justice, an international court of justice", according to the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell.
The Hague Tribunal has charged the same crimes against Hamas military chief Mohamed Deif. Israel says it killed that leader in June of the same year, but Hamas has never confirmed that it was he who killed him.
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