Ebola is proving strong in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the World Health Organization (WHO) has assessed most of the cases in its history. According to the latest report, from August 2018 to July 14 of this year 2,501 cases have been recorded, of which 2,407 have been confirmed, and the remainder are yet to be proven. 1,668 people died from this virus.
WHO Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said at a press conference that it is time to support Kongo: “It’s time for the world to remember this case and increase efforts. We need to work in solidarity with the Democratic Republic of the Congo to address this resurrection and to create a better health system.”
The city of Goma is 20 kilometres from Rwanda and 350 kilometres from the epicenter of the epidemic. For this reason, Ghebreyesus has added that the risk of the spread of the virus in Central Africa is high, although the risk of transmission outside the region is low.
They are calling for it not to be restricted.
In the view that limiting trade relations and commercial travel can be detrimental, WHO has called for no restrictions of any kind. In fact, if the flow at borders is hampered, people would be forced to deviate by unusual routes, which could lead to the virus spreading further.
Congo has always been a region of abundant resources: coltan, cobalt, uranium… For the Western powers historically it has been the place of obtaining raw materials for the war and technology industry. Since then, it has always been in the hands of multinational companies. In the time of the Cold War, in the unipolar world… Despite being a country with most of the world’s resources, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, formerly the Republic of Zaire, is one of the poorest countries in the world, and wars, corruption and polio have been the daily bread throughout its history.
Salome Karwah liberiarrak ebola gainditzea lortu zuen 2014an. Otsailaren 22an hil egin zen, erditu ostean. Bere senideek salatu dutenez, medikuek ez zuten artatu nahi izan. Ebolaren inguruko estigmaz eta emakumeek Afrikako zenbait herrialdetan izurriteaz geroztik jasaten duten... [+]
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Babariako alpeetako Elmau gazteluan bilduko dira G7ko buruzagiak ekainaren 7 eta 8an.
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