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17 international releases at the Mendi Film festival

  • 57 films will be screened, nine of them at CAV level. This year they will pay tribute to Edurne Pasaban with the WOP Fundazioa award. Twelve awards of EUR 24,800 will be allocated among the works competing in the official section.  
2023ko BBK Mendi Film Bilbao-Bizkaia festibalaren aurkezpena. // Argazkia: Mendi FIlm

29 November 2023 - 12:28

BBK Mendi Film Bilbao-Bizkaia will host its tenth edition from 8 to 17 December. 57 films will be screened at the Basque Palace in Bilbao, the BBK Hall and the Golem de la Alhóndiga Cinema. The films will include seventeen international releases and nine Basque films.

The opening ceremony will take place at the Euskalduna Palace and will be awarded the WOP Foundation prize to the alpinist and entrepreneur Edurne Pasaban. “In addition to rewarding Pasaban’s career in the Himalayas, we want to reward it as a motivation for women. Edurne is one of the necessary referents,” said the director of the festival, Jabier Baraiazarra.

Eliza Kubarska will receive the highest award from the International Mountain Film College: Grand Prix IAMF.El prize for your work K2 touching the sky, Best Director of 2015 at Film Mendi, will be on December 12 in the BBK room.

Baraiazarra stressed that this year’s challenge is “to open up to new content”: “The mountain is always a stage. It is not just about climbing, mountaineering or skiing. In the mountain there are very intense experiences and experiences, and that also wants to be picked up by Mendi Film. The public wants to know stories that go beyond mere sport.”

51 films will compete in the official section. In total, €24,800 will be distributed in twelve prizes and the Grand Prix winner (Eguzkilore Trophy) will receive €6,000. In addition to the films, the festival will offer various exhibitions and conferences.

In this edition you will opt for inclusion. A sign language interpretation service will be offered in guest sessions and in films the original version of which is in Spanish and not subtitled.

Tickets available

Tickets have already been opened and are available on the website of the Mendi Film festival. The organization says they expect to “improve” last year’s number, but the figures are not a concern for them.

Full presentation of the BBK Mendi Film Bilbao-Bizkaia Festival 2023:


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