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Nawal Saadawi, a famous 20th-century Egyptian feminist thinker dies

  • The most prominent feminist and socialist thinker of the last century in Egypt, Nawal Saadawi, died this Sunday, at the age of 89, after a prolific career as a writer and a relentless struggle for women’s rights.

22 March 2021 - 10:33
Nawal al Saadawi: "Feminista izatea da askatasunaren alde borrokatzea". Hamada Elrasam.

The Egyptian press has reported his death. The causes of death have not been determined, so the number of deaths is unknown. For more than a decade he was admitted to a hospital in the capital of Navarra, where he was admitted to prison.

The newspaper has made a brief biography of the well-known feminist, who has been arrested in Madrid. Al Saadawi was born in 1931 in a wealthy family, in the small village of Kafr Tahla, in the Nile Delta. There he began to develop his thought and wrote his first feminist texts when he saw the discrimination between the students in his center. He wrote in the diary that he kept under the bed and never stopped writing. In the 1980s, the exile and exile of the 1990s didn't get Al Saadawi to let write.

He entered prison in 1981 and was charged with "crimes against the State," after criticizing the regime of former President Anwar on Sadat and the capitalist system. He wrote his most outstanding novel among the fences:Denounces the fall of the imam and the use of religion, politics and morality by men in it to control women. In the 1990s he left Egypt after receiving death threats from Islamist groups and moved to the United States, taught at universities and created the subject of "creativity and rebellion." In 2011, he returned to Egypt before the revolution, toppled former dictator Hosni Mubarak and participated in pro-democracy protests.

Tahrir al-Mar, women's liberation

Nawal Saadawi did not like the term feminism. Feminism as a reference in English preferred the term Tahrir al-Mar’a (meaning liberation of women). Considers that the liberation of women cannot be separated from the liberation of a country or society: “Being a feminist is fighting for freedom, women, men, poor, immigrants, children... We are all equal in rights.”

In an interview at ARGIA, Ane Irazabal made public his opinion on Western feminism: “It has never been a reference for me. What's more, I've been very critical of him. I think most feminists in the United States and Europe only talk about patriarchalism. They don't criticize capitalism or class oppression. But what is capitalism, if not economic patriarchalism? The problem is that most feminists are purely capitalist.”

“I am opposed to covering my head, but also to considering nudity as a symbol of freedom. However, if I see that a religious woman is covered and tells me that she is a feminist, I will oppose it. How can one believe in an oppressive god? For decades I have looked at Judaism, Islam and Christianity, the three major monotheistic religions of the world, and unfortunately, the three people are interested in keeping women oppressed,” he said in the interview published by ARGIA.

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