The company presented a dossier for dismissing 177 La Naval workers early Monday and the workers showed their disappointment. Arantxa Tapia also said: “The lockdown feels close.” In addition to the company La Naval, over 400 companies operate around the world around the shipyard. But with them it has very high debts, putting another 1,800 jobs in a serious situation.
The workers have carried out the lockdown. In defence of ESK, they have urged the Basque Government to give an answer under the motto “Do not close La Naval; to negotiate with the Basque Government for the employment of Ezkerraldea”. The demonstrators, who have been willing to fight, have announced that they will also be mobilising in the coming days.
All the information of the night, through Twitter:
No, no and no! #LaNaval NoClose
— ESK Sindikatua (@ESKsindikatua) October 29, 2018
Top Working Wrestling!#LaNaval EzItxi
— ESK Sindikatua (@ESKsindikatua) October 30, 2018
This is the sound that has awakened the Left Margin. The Naval does not close, the Naval defends itself. #lanavalezitxi
— Igor Mera (@igor_mera) October 30, 2018
All together for jobs!
Defend the future of #Ezkerraldea#lanavalezitxi
— ESK Sindikatua (@ESKsindikatua) October 30, 2018
▶ #VIDEO The workers of La Naval have held a lockdown tonight:
— EiTB News (@eitbNews) October 30, 2018
Langileek hiru hilabeteko erregulazio espedientea onartu dute, kable-ontzia amaitzeko “bermeak” edukitzearen ordainetan. Gaur aurkeztuko du konkurtsoa ontziolaren zuzendaritzak.
Armadorearen hainbat marinel gauez azaldu dira Sestaoko ontziolara eta amarrak askatzen saiatu dira azalpenik eman gabe. Langileek Ertzaintzari abisua jo ostean alde egin dute.