Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The call for the rescue of La Naval to interrupt the workers' contracts and to definitively close the doors

  • About 3,000 people have spoken this Wednesday afternoon in Sestao, under the slogan La Naval do not close. The management has announced that before the end of the month the contracts of the 177 workers of the Guipuzkoan plant will be suspended.

11 October 2018 - 09:04
"Naval ez itxi" lelopean Sestaon egindako manifestazioa / Argazkia: @EhbMaria

If a private investor does not arrive at the last moment – the Minister of Economy, Arantxa Tapia, has used the term "savior" in Onda Vasca – the yard will definitely close the doors.

The workers are aware of this and have asked the Basque Government and the Spanish Government to act with the responsibility that the situation requires. The 3,000 demonstrators have appealed to "rescue" the shipyard, with the aim of "maintaining employment on the left margin". The workers have denounced that "with unjustified political decisions, the left has already been punished sufficiently".

Reactions from trade unions and political parties:

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La Naval konkurtsoan, ‘Living Stone’ ontziolatik kanpo, eta langileen etorkizuna kolokan

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