In other words, as the association of ecological and naturalist groups of Gipuzkoa Naturkon has denounced, the planning that the Basque Government and the three Deputies disseminated last autumn to the four winds under the name of the “Basque Strategy for the Recovery of Konifero Forests” has no scientific basis. It has not been shown that cuprous oxide is useful in combating the plague of the brown band, and what is more serious, the environmental damage that can be caused by this type of treatment is not negligible. Motions against this treatment have been adopted in several municipalities in Gipuzkoa, but the Basque Government and the Council have not given up: In particular, they have asked Madrid to authorize owners to carry out land-based treatment. But what about environmental damage? They have already carried out experiments in Gipuzkoa, and it is clear that they have not produced good results (they have not done so either). What should they experience on such a large surface? What protocols will they follow? Are we not dealing with another scam? And they do it again with public money!
It's really worrying that our authorities have shown contempt for science in a country where we have leading research centers in Science and Technology. Is Mrs Tapia going to confess to the parliament that she lied? From the outset we denounce that the idea of using cuprous oxide is barbaric. On the one hand, aerial spraying is prohibited because of its harmful effects on the environment, and on the other hand, cuprous oxide is a generic fungicide that transforms into venom in aquatic ecosystems, which is fatal to all fungi. Under these conditions, the treatment intended to be used on one third of the surface of Gipuzkoa cannot be designed in those periods, at least in the name of science.
It is to be feared that the Basque Government and the three Members of Parliament are irresponsible in the use of measures which may cause significant environmental damage. They are prepared to put at risk the health of all of us and our environment in order to defend the economic interests of the few, and they express it without shame.
The pinar crisis offers us a unique opportunity to change forestry policy. This is a sector that needs to be modernised, forcing environmental damage to be taken into account. The exploitation of nature must be combined with conservation, and for that there is knowledge and form in Gipuzkoa. Forestry should not just be wood, and it is essential to liberate the forestry policy from the wood lobby. We call on the Member to convene the Biodiversity Bureau as soon as possible and to start designing a new forestry policy once and for all. And we call on all political parties to openly reject the decision of the Basque Parliament and the Basque Government and to support our demands.
For our part, as we have done so far, we will continue to monitor the issue closely so that citizens are informed. We are prepared to give our opinion on the plight crisis anywhere, as raising public awareness is also our task.
Otsailaren 5ean, Aitziber Sarobe biologoak eta Naturkoneko kideak hitzaldia eskaini zuen Soraluzen Gipuzkoarako baso politika berri bat izenburupean. Hizketagai izan zituen pinuaren gaixotasuna eta basogintzaren krisia, eta eman zituen "gertatzen ari... [+]
Hainbat talde ekologista eta naturzale biltzen dituen Naturkon elkarteak mozio bat aurkeztu du Gipuzkoako zenbait udaletan eskatuz udalok debekatu dezatela beren lur eremuetan insignis pinuak oxido kuprosoz fumigatzea eta beste erakundeei bezala lurjabe eta herritarrei eska... [+]
Hainbat talde ekologistaren bilgunea den Naturkon elkarteak Arantza Tapia sailburuari oxido kuprosoz pinudiak airetik fumigatzeko baimenez gezurretan aritzea aurpegiratu eta eskatu dio publikoko zuzendu dezala oker esandakoa.
This Basque Autonomous Community association has asked the authorities not to fumigate pine trees affected by harmful fungi using copper oxide because that would be harmful to public health and the environment.
1895ean sorturik 120 urte baino gehiago dituen BMZA Bilboko Mediku Zientzien Akademiak gaur kaleratu duen agirian Euskal Autonomi Elkarteko agintariei eskatu die ez dezatela oxido kuprosozko fumigaziorik erabili gaitzak jotako pinudien gainean, lekuko herritarren osasuna eta... [+]
Joan den asteazkenean, hilak 7, helarazitako gutun baten bidez, hainbat eskaera luzatu dio Naturkon Gipuzkoa kolektiboak Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundiari, pinuari eraso dion onddoaren eta haren aurka jarduteko Aldundiak hartutako erabakiaren inguruan. Zehazki, galdetu dio zer... [+]
Bedaio is celebrated every year on a Sunday of the days when the few and November love each other. One more year, with a table to offer the manual LandarLantzen 2019, made with the great Olariaga, and to try to clarify the questions and doubts of the people. On the left, Koro... [+]
The landscape of pine has been blackened, especially that of pine insignis (Pinus radiata). It's also known as black pine or rapid pine. Black pine, in fact, has blackened the landscape of the mountains in which it has grown, and its pine forests are black at all times of the... [+]
Urre berdea zena izurrite gorri bihurtu zaigu. Eta gurera ere iritsi da pinuak ihartzen dituen onddo dontsu hori! Dozena bat urtera gure jubilazio sarrerak osatzeko balio behar zuena, bota eta huskeria baten truke eman behar. Eta ingurukoak ere berdin: dirutzak galtzeaz gain,... [+]
Pinuen gaitzari aurre egiteko Jaurlaritzak eta EAEko hiru foru aldundiek aurkeztu duten plana gogor kritikatu du Naturkon kolektiboak, besteak beste gaitzari aurre egiteko erakundeek proposatu duten oxido kuprosoa toxikoa baita: “Azalduko al digute gure ordezkariek nola... [+]
Dagoeneko EAEko pinuen %33,15 kaltetu dituen onddoari aurre egiteko, oxido kuprosoa erabiltzea proposatzen du planak, beste hainbat neurriren artean. Izan ere, antzeko kasuetan erabili dute eta emaitza onak lortu dira. Eusko Jaurlaritzak eta Araba, Bizkaia eta Gipuzkoako... [+]
Gipuzkoako (eta oro har Euskal Herriko eremu atlantiarreko) pinudiek bizi duten hondamendia dela eta, basoen kudeaketaren gaiak gaurkotasun handia hartu du. Tentuz irakurtzekoak dira administrazioen eta ikerketa zentroen azalpenak, baina bereziki, Baskegur Euskadiko Egurraren... [+]