“The current context urgently requires the support of an anti-imperialist and internationalist Basque Country,” they have started their exhibition at a press conference held in Bilbao by representatives of the leading groups. They have pointed out that the demonstration is a “first step” along this road. .
The callers recognize that we are in a time of capitalist crisis, but they qualify that it is not cyclical, although the “bourgeoisie” explains it like this. On the one hand, because crisis is “a feature of capitalism.” On the other hand, because they believe there is a profound geopolitical reason: “We are at a time when the economic, political and military hegemony of the United States is changing. China and, to a lesser extent, Russia are increasing its economic and political impact on the world, and that is why the Atlantic powers are developing offensive towards the East, precisely in order to maintain their control. In this context we must place the movements of NATO and, of course, of the European Union, of both Atlantic imperialism and its criminal organisation.”
NATO in the world and in the Basque Country
The conveners of the demonstration have assured that NATO is the “army of the bourgeoisie” and that the results of its action are not merely military: “Overexploitation and precariousness of the working class; changes in labour rights to eliminate material concessions won through class struggle”. Proof of this is the budget this year “accepted by all the Social Democratic parties” of the Spanish State, “which supports the deterioration of the material conditions of public workers for the benefit of NATO”.
The representatives of the agents have unearthed the influence that NATO has had and has on Euskal Herria: the military polygon of Bardenas, the military exercises carried out in the Vitoria Valley, the public military spending, the use of the port of Santurtzi to send weapons to the wars… “And we cannot forget the logistical support that NATO provided in its day, in the strategy of Basque liberation.”
11 March in Bilbao
In order to address the economic and repressive measures taken against the citizens and the “last offensive of imperialism”, the press conference considered it essential to “destroy all the political apparatus of the bourgeoisie”: the French and Spanish states, NATO and the European Union. To this end, they have called on Basque citizens to activate themselves against imperialism and to participate in the demonstration in Bilbao.
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