The view favouring NATO entry has increased considerably in Finland. In view of this, the Prime Minister, Sanna Marin, and the President, Sauli Niinisto, stated yesterday that they will join the military alliance. To this end, the demand for entry into NATO requires, first of all, the support of the government and of Parliament and, subsequently, confirmation by the people.
According to the latest surveys, 76 per cent of the population is in favour of joining the military alliance. In recent months it has increased considerably, as in February, before the invasion of Ukraine, 53 per cent of the population was in favour of joining the alliance, and in March it rose to 62 per cent.
Following these statements by the Finnish authorities, Russia becomes angry and is obliged to take special technical and military measures if Finland finally enters NATO: "Russia will be obliged to take military and technical response measures to stop threats to the security of its nation," said the Russian Foreign Ministry.
For the powers, the salami tactic is attractive. It consists of cutting steaks progressively. With the enlargement of NATO, violations of international law, regime changes and the international proliferation of its military bases, the United States reduced the security and... [+]
The globalists have chosen France, Poland and the United Kingdom to create an open conflict with NATO in November, as the United States is engaged in the election campaign for the November Presidency.
Thus, the presence of soldiers from Poland, France, the United Kingdom and... [+]
While campaigning in the European Parliament, Iñaki Galdós wrote an interesting article in Berria explaining that EH Bildu announced that Hego Euskal Herria would defend in Europe the NATO refusal in the 1986 referendum. Subsequently, Galdós recalled the pragmatic changes... [+]
In June 2024, the European Union held elections. It will involve only the western countries of the continent and not all. Britain, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and many of the East, including Russia, are not members of the EU. Some 60% of Europeans will be called to these... [+]
I am a Basque living in Euskal Herria and in Europe.
Given the geopolitical situation in Europe, despite the conflict that began in 2014, the war that official Western media call the war in Ukraine began in February 2022 and has just entered the third year. It is well known... [+]
Todos sabiamos que era mentira. Tras o apoio a Ucraína non había razóns morais, non había vontade de defender os dereitos humanos, a lexislación internacional ou a democracia. Durante anos Occidente mirou para outro lado cando Kiev bombardeaba á poboación de Donbass ou... [+]