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NATO strikes China and Russia at the 75th anniversary summit

  • At the 75th anniversary summit of its founding, the Atlantic Alliance has hardened the message against China and accused the Asian country of helping Russia in the war in Ukraine. The 32 NATO members have committed themselves to providing more assistance to Kiev and the European countries have called for military spending to increase further.
NATO 75. urteurreneko goi-bilera ari da egiten Washingtonen. NATO

11 July 2024 - 09:29
Last updated: 11:51
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

As a great transatlantic that cannot change course, NATO continues to escalate world war with the warlike language of the cold war era. On its 75th anniversary, it has once again fine-tuned China, which has described it as the "essential facilitator" of the Russian war in Ukraine.

"I think the message sent by NATO at this summit is very strong and clear: We are clearly defining China’s responsibility in authorising the war in Russia,” said Military Organization Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

In a communiqué, the Atlantic Alliance expresses its concern about Beijing’s nuclear arsenal, because, according to him, nuclear hatreds are being opened, although it has not given more data to prove it: "We must deal with hybrid, cybernetic, spatial and other threats, as well as insidious actions by non-state actors that are part of the State," the text approved in its text states. According to NATO, Russia and China "are trying to alter the rules of the international order", which are governed by the regulation.

Beijing immediately rejected the words of the United States and others, saying that they are "provocative and lies", as read in the English newspaper The Guardian. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has called on NATO to remain outside the Asia-Pacific region and has censored its "belligerent rhetoric".

At the summit in Washington these days, NATO members have agreed to give more aid to Kiev, according to the communiqué. Aid to Ukraine has amounted to EUR 40 billion per year since 2022. The Atlantic Alliance, in its statement, has said that Ukraine's entry into the organization is "irreversible", but always with one last note: "When circumstances allow".

The Atlantic Alliance, in its statement, has said that Ukraine's entry into the organization is "irreversible", but always with one last note: "When conditions allow"

In any event, in addition to the money, they will continue to export arms to Ukraine. Like the United States, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and Romania, they have sophisticated and expensive air-missile systems for sending to the countries concerned.

Increase and increase in military spending

The President of the United States and the "host" of the summit, Joe Biden, referred in his speech to military spending. He recalled that two years ago the countries that allocated 2% of the budget to arms were a minority and that today 23 countries exceed that figure, two thirds of the members of NATO. By 2024 military spending has increased by 18 per cent.

However, Biden has warned that the "industrial capacity" to produce firearms "has to be even greater." And the NATO communiqué goes along the same lines: "In many cases, more than 2% of GDP is going to be needed," says the military organization, to resolve the "deficiencies" that, in their view, exist.

In this context, British Prime Minister Keir Stamer has announced an increase in defence spending of £87.1 billion (EUR 103.371 million), of £64.6 billion (EUR 76.669 million), and has asked other NATO members to: "I think we should say when we will reach 2.5%. It is not enough to say 'when circumstances allow', Putin will not wait for our situation to be good enough to attack," said the President of the Generalitat.

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