José Miguel Etxeberria Naparra was recalled at the Igarolabekoa family farmhouse in Lizartza (Gipuzkoa) on Sunday, June 16. They ask, like every year, for clarification of disappearance and death. The family assures that they will not give up until the truth about what happened is made public. Eneko's brother Etxeberria Naparra, in statements made at EITB, has requested the repeal of the Francoist Law of Official Secrecy of 1968.
In his report to Naparra, Eneko Etxeberria highlighted the support of the United Nations Forced Disappearances Task Force in 2014 and this institution assured the family that they were going to be on the case of Naparra, according to Naiz. The UN informed the family that they were relatives of a victim who was violently extinguished, so they had the right to know the truth. Eneko's brother Etxeberria Naparra expressed in ARGIA how the family is experiencing the impossibility of knowing the truth about his brother's case for all these years.
He was a member of the ‘Naparra’ Autonomous Anti-Capitalist Commands when he disappeared, and earlier he was also a member of ETA. The dirty war team Spanish Basque Battalion (BVE) proclaimed his kidnapping and disappearance and declared that he was killed on June 30 and buried in the place known as Chantako of San Juan de Luz, according to the newspaper Deia. In April 2017 and 2024, the French Gendarmerie, under the order of the National Audience, made two attempts to find the body of Naparra, but both did not find anything.
Maiatzaren 30ean Nafarroako Gobernuak zenbait biktimaren aitortza egin zuen eta senitartekoek Sekretu Ofizialen Legea bertan behera uzteko eskatu zuten. Horien artean, Mikel Zabalza eta Mikel Arregiren familiak. ‘Naparraren’ anaiak ere egina du eskaera hori. Eneko... [+]
Jose Miguel Etxeberria, Naparra, aurkitzeko bigarren saioak porrot egin du Landetako Mont de Marsan herriko inguruetan. Iruñean ostiral honetan egindako agerraldian horren berri eman dute Eneko Etxeberria Naparra-ren anaiak eta Iñaki Egaña Egiari Zor... [+]