The filming of Napardeath's "last war" was due to take place in late May, but due to the bad weather the filming of the film was suspended. On Saturday, 29 September, they will return to the Urbasa Andía Natural Park and need figurants. The organization has explained that more information can be obtained or in the Twitter account through a private message.
Napardeath is a film starring Carlist zombies, Jeltzal vampires and Abertzal mummies.
Igandean aurkeztu dute Donostian Napardeath filma. 3.000 euroko aurrekontuarekin eta 150 laguntzaile baino gehiagoren ekarpenari esker osatu ahal izan duten filma.
Ikusi aurretik ere nire buruari egiten diodan galdera da: Joxean’s Hileben izango ote da 2014ko film sonatuena? Seguruenik ez, baina urteko produkzio dibertigarrienen rankingean merezita sartuko da.