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Nakolinism and nacolinists

06 April 2024 - 07:42

Here are two new words: nakolinism and nakolinists. It is therefore normal for them to become unknown. They do not appear either in the Basque general vocabulary or in the dictionaries of the surrounding area or in the remote languages. But reading and saying two or three times won't make us very weird, don't hurt in our ears. We often know and use many similar words: nationalism and nationalists, colonialism and colonialists, imperialism and imperialists, capitalism and capitalists, feminism and feminists, machismo and machistas...

But what come these two new words: nakolinism and nakolinists? The Spaniards and the French often accuse us Basques that we are nationalists, or nationalists, of course bad. Because nationalism has done a lot of damage to the world. And we are the peoples and nations of the world small, crushed and defeated, the Basques, the Catalans, the Corsicans, the Scots… They (Spanish, French…) are not nationalists, they are citizens of the world. And us? Are we alien? In their view, our culture and language are scarce and do not give us the status of citizens of the world. If we approach them, assuming their own, then yes, then we will become masters of all the citizens' rights of the world. In the meantime we know what we have to do, without making too much noise, disappear.

We must therefore justify our nationalism or nationalism. Many have written about it, what it is for us to be Abertzale or nationalist. And we will tell you that our nationalism is not like yours, that we are internationalists and that we respect other nations and other peoples. Not like them, that their nationalism is supremacist, expansionist, colonialist, imperialist, and that it represses, reduces, destroys the cultures and languages of other nations and peoples. And that all of this has been done and is done violently through their armies and laws. How are they not nationalists? Long live the Red!, Allez les Bleus! Indeed, more than the triumph of their selections, we are pleased and satisfied that we, Catalans, Basques or Corsicarts, are not allowed to participate with our selections, they forbid us. Often win for them!

That's nacolinism: imperialist colonialist nationalism. It is widespread among the citizens of powerful nations. As far as Europe is concerned, the French, the Spanish, the English... have put nakolinism into the bone marrow.

That is the question, that we do not have a word or a concept to define their nationalism, and that we need a long answer to justify and denounce such oppressive nationalism. They define us from the power of their states, cultures and languages, saying nationalists, in a despicable and despicable way.

What if we define it from ourselves, from our language, from our situation? Would we create from us words that define their ideology, their thought and their behavior? There is no need for long and confusing explanations. One word without long speech. You may not like it, but it will be your job to self-explain, not ours. I've made a lot of laps and used different options. But they had to meet certain conditions, any kind of word was not worth it. They should also be usable in the languages of their environment, also understandable and useful to them.

Nationalism NA, colonialism VOC and imperialism IN. Na-kol-in-ism derives from the union of three words. That's nacolinism: imperialist colonialist nationalism. Nacolinism is widespread among the citizens of various powerful nations. In Europe, French, Spanish, English, Russian -- they've put nakolinism into bony metrics. Be it monarchic or republican, right or left. For many years, for centuries, this has been the case in the colonized territories and nations, naturalizing this behavior. They have developed this type of ideology or thought and, consequently, their attitudes, institutions, norms, laws, constitutions, courts, parties are nakolinists...

It resembles, in some sense, machismo, it is structural and catches the whole society: monarchic and republican, right and left, of one religion or another, as well as agnostics and atheists. If we want to combat machismo, we must do a great deal of dismantling, especially of men, to avoid the machismo and the machismo attitudes we have received from society. If it were not for feminism and women nicknamed, we would still be in the grip of the most reactionary machismo. And yet, how much we have to do! For with Nakolinism we will have to do the same.

Nacolinism is in force in the 21st century. What, if not, are the latest judicial battles against the Basque or the Catalan? We know the answer: attacks by laws, courts, judges, politicians and the Nakolinist media. It was similar in the 20th, 19th or earlier centuries.

Soon there will be elections in a part of Euskal Herria, in the CAV; in English, as some like, in West Basque Country. Some parties and candidates are nationalists, nationalists, independentists -- in most cases in a negative and condemnable tone.

And PP, PSE, Vox, Sumar, We can -- what are they? Nationalists don't. But the nationalists? Independentists? In the cities and towns of Spain there are many “Plaza/Avenida/Calle de la Independencia” everywhere. They are all nacolinist parties more or less.

Imagine journalists asking the candidates or the Tertullians of those parties: “What results do you think the Nakolinist parties will have or have in the forthcoming elections?”

Dani Goñi Irazusta

Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora

ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.

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