"We would like us to breathe what we breathe, to note the oppression in the chest and to have an itching of our eyes," said Auzokoa Herriko Elkartea and Herri Bideak Kate Barik on Sunday. About 150 people claimed that day their right to health through artistic expressions such as txalaparta, batukada, paintings or songs.
To denounce this situation and seek solutions through the institutional implications, on Tuesday they were in the Committee on Sustainability, the Environment and the Natural Environment of the Basque Parliament at the request of EH Bildu.
The neighbours have been denouncing the noise and pollution of the Befesa plant for six years, without any response from the City Hall or the Basque Government. "The problem is not only that of Erandio Goikoa, but it extends to all the people," they explained in the rally held last Sunday. Although the most affected neighborhoods are Erandio Goikoa, Asua, Astrabudua and Arriaga, they determined that this problem extends to the entire municipality.