The Government of Navarra recorded a total of 8,961 birds and bats killed between 1998 and 2021. These bodies are 158 species.
The wind power plant Cavar, newly built in 2020, focuses on 206 deaths of 37 species in a single year. It is located between Valtierra and Cadreita, and before its construction the neighbors warned that their proximity to the Bardenas and their condition of place of passage of birds would cause damage.
Among the birds declared endangered in Navarra, the red milano is the deadliest species of windmills: the Government of Navarra has recorded 98.
The Naumann hawk is the most affected by windmills, with 36 bodies counted by the Government of Navarra.
Among all species of birds, the Leonado vulture is the most killed by windmills in Navarra: the Government of Navarra has recorded 3,359 dead bodies.
That is the question of many citizens. Here are the answers of Aitor Leiza, member of Itsas Enara, and Aitziber Sarobe, biologist.