This Tuesday, the Minister of Justice and Immigration Policies, Eduardo Santos, met for the first time at the meeting of the "Penitentiary Bureau". This is a space for the participation of social organizations and associations working with the prisoners of Navarra.
The main purpose of the mesa.El meeting was to establish a consultative and participatory body to improve the conditions of those serving sentences in the Pamplona prison. "To get closer to the daily reality of prisoners, to know first-hand the problems and needs of prisoners and to offer them solutions agreed with social entities," he said.
The counselor explained that associations working with the prisoners in Navarre, such as those working in health care, drug addiction prevention and psychological and therapeutic care, will be present at the table.
A total of twelve officers comprise the bureau: ACOAD, ANTOX, Zuria Day Centre, Network Against Poverty and Social Exclusion of Navarra, Castilla, La Majarí, Salhaketa, Sare HIV, SOAPJN, Pastoral Penitentiary, Project Man and Mediation Navarra.
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