Single use plastic products are cutlery and plates, straws, cotton sticks, beverage whiskers, balloon sticks, expanded polystyrene containers for food or beverages and single-dose and non-recyclable capsules. The Foral Law of the Government of Navarra prohibits the sale of the same since 3 July.
Ecologist Eguzki warned that 43% of the waste that pollutes the seas is single-use products and that the next step should be: "The next step and challenge should be to ban the production of this contagious format, which not only has negative effects on the sea, but also on people's health."
August is the holiday month for many people, including those who rule. And yet it is common to take advantage of the month of August to deal with some issues without much noise, albeit of great importance.
This is what is happening with the project to centralize sludge... [+]
125 milioi eurorekin, Nafarroako aurrekonturik handienetan hirugarrena du Iruñerriko Mankomunitateak, eta 350.000 biztanle ingururi ur hornidura, zaborren bilketa edo hiri garraioa eskaintzen dizkie. Irailaren 28an ikusmin handia piztu zuen mankomunitateko presidentea... [+]
Berez Navarra Sumako hautagaiak irabaziko zuela aurreikusten zen, baina ostegun goizean Aritz Ayesa EH Bilduko hautagaiak eta orain arteko lehendakariak bere hautagaitza erretiratu zuen, adieraziz saiatuko zirela independenteren bat atera zedin lehendakari.
Ostegun honetako arratsaldean hautatuko da Iruñerriko mankomunitateko lehendakaria. Orain arte Navarra Sumako hautagai Juan Jose Echeverria eta egungo lehendakari Aritz Ayesa –EH Bildu– ziren lehian, baina azken orduan PSNko Maite Esporrínek ere bere... [+]