People who study in Basque will not have to prove language training in future public job openings in Navarre. The Government of Navarra is preparing a decree similar to that submitted by the Basque Government in 2012, which will be published in January, according to Berria. Its objective is to recognize the competence in Basque of people who have studied in Basque. It will be validated by level of study, as well as in the CAPV. However, no further details on the fire situation have been provided so far.
It will give a lot to talk about
In 2012, the Language Policy Decree was approved in Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, which is currently in force. He had a lot to say, as Miel Anjel Elustondo says in his article published in ARGIA. The PSE-EE was in government and some agents of Basque culture and education were criticized: they warned that it was not appropriate to recognize the competition without a non-default barometer. That is, it was not appropriate to validate the same degree to those who have studied Secondary Education and Baccalaureate in model B or D, since it is not specified what capacity the students have to have at the end of Secondary Education and at the end of Baccalaureate.
In recent months there have been movements within the Basque Government. By the end of the ESO they have proposed having level B2, i.e. a step up (level B1 is now recognised). It has created controversy: it may cause the Basque Country to become stronger or weaker, but for some the approach is unreal.
It remains to be seen how the proposed Decree will be presented by the Government of Navarra, if it is submitted, and whether the convalidations will be the same. The decision can affect thousands of Navarros and Navarre.
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